Anti-gay activist calls Trump’s rights commission an ‘extraordinary opening’

Brian Brown

Anti-gay activist and president of America’s National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has said that Donald Trump’s new Commission on Unalienable Rights is an “extraordinary opening” to reverse LGBT+ equality.

The Commission on Unalienable Rights was announced on July 7 and will undercut the US government’s existing human rights framework and will be based on “‘natural law.”

NOM, which fights against marriage equality, was co-founded by Brown, but also by Princeton professor Robert George who reportedly had a large part in shaping Trump’s new rights commission in the first place.

According to LGBTQ Nation, Brown said the commission was “an extraordinary opening to push for clear and consistent recognition of the natural family.”

He continued: “It gives us a forum to challenge American foreign policy that has in the past advanced the extreme agenda of the left that has been cloaked in the language of so-called human rights.”

President Donald Trump speaks alongside Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo

President Donald Trump speaks alongside Vice President Mike Pence and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo. (Andrew Harrer-Pool/Getty)

Brian Brown said LGBT+ rights were “invented concepts”

Previously, in an Easter message for the NOM blog in which he compared himself to Jesus, Brown said: “We’ve seen constitutionally-guaranteed rights such as the right to religious liberty be superseded by invented concepts that not only are not rights, they also are not right.

“I know that true marriage will rise again. I think it will happen fairly soon, because it’s impossible to maintain the lie of same-sex ‘marriage’ forever.

“But whether it takes two years or two decades, NOM is determined to fight every day for the truth of marriage and for the good that it provides for families and children.”

Seven of the ten members on the new Trump administration commission have previously expressed anti-LGBT views.

It is chaired by Mary Ann Glendon, a law professor who has previously claimed that same-sex marriage would “impair… the rights of children” and lead to kids being “taught about homosexual sex.”

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