Here’s how Boris Johnson’s cabinet voted on equal marriage

Conservative lgbt

Nearly a third of Boris Johnson’s cabinet ministers voted against same-sex marriage.

Johnson made bold changes to the cabinet after becoming Prime Minister on Wednesday (July 24), sacking more than half of the members who served under ex-PM Theresa May and bringing in a wave of pro-Brexit ministers.

Strong opponents of LGBT+ equality including Jacob Rees-Mogg and Priti Patel were handed jobs by Johnson.

Boris Johnson cabinet: Power shifts to Conservative hardliners

Analysis by PinkNews confirms that the cabinet includes more opponents of same-sex marriage than under the previous two Conservative leaders.

Boris Johnson's Cabinet shows the shift of power within the Conservative Party

Boris Johnson’s Cabinet shows the shift of power within the Conservative Party

Of the 32 ministers serving in Johnson’s cabinet, nine voted against same-sex marriage and three abstained, while 13 cast votes in favour.

Seven, including Johnson, were not MPs at the time of the vote.

Vote Cabinet ministers
Sajid Javid, Dominic Raab, Stephen Barclay, Matt Hancock, Theresa Villiers, Liz Truss, Alok Sharma, Grant Shapps, Amber Rudd, Julian Smith, Michael Gove, Brandon Lewis, Jo Johson
Priti Patel, Ben Wallace, Robert Buckland, Gavin Williamson, Nicky Morgan, Alun Cairns, Jacob Rees-Mogg, Geoffrey Cox, Esther McVey
Abstained Andrea Leadsom, Mark Spencer, Jake Berry
Not in Parliament
Boris Johnson, Robert Jenrick, James Cleverly, Alister Jack, Rishi Sunak, Oliver Dowden, Baroness Evans

Theresa May’s 2018 cabinet had seven ministers who voted against same-sex marriage, two who abstained, and 16 who voted in favour.

Only two of David Cameron’s cabinet ministers voted against equal marriage at the time of the vote.

MP Role Vote
Boris Johnson Prime Minister Not in Parliament
Sajid Javid Chancellor Yes
Priti Patel Home Secretary No
Dominic Raab Foreign Secretary Yes
Stephen Barclay Brexit Secretary Yes
Ben Wallace Defence Secretary No
Matt Hancock Health Secretary Yes
Robert Buckland Justice Secretary No
Andrea Leadsom Andrea Leadsom Abstained
Gavin Williamson Education Secretary No
Theresa Villiaers Environment Secretary Yes
Liz Truss International Trade Yes
Alok Sharma International Development Yes
Nicky Morgan Culture Secretary No
Grant Shapps Transport Secretary Yes
Amber Rudd Work and Pensions Secretary Yes
Robert Jenrick Housing, Communities & Local Government Secretary Not in Parliament
James Cleverly Party chairman Not in Parliament
Julian Smith Northern Ireland Secretary Yes
Alun Cairns Welsh Secretary No
Alister Jack Scotland Secretary Not in Parliament
Michael Gove Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster Yes
Baroness Evans Lords Leader Not in Parliament
Also attends Cabinet
Jacob Rees-Mogg Commons Leader No
Rishi Sunak Chief Secretary to the Treasury Not in Parliament
Mark Spencer Chief Whip Abstained
Geoffrey Cox Attorney General No
Esther McVey Minister of Housing, Communities and Local Government No
Brandon Lewis Minister of State for Security Yes
Jo Johnson Minister for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, and Education Yes
Jake Berry Minister for Cabinet Office Abstained
Oliver Dowden Paymaster General Not in Parliament

Every member of Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow cabinet who was in Parliament in 2013 voted for equal marriage.

Six cabinet ministers backed extending equal marriage to Northern Ireland

Although Boris Johnson’s cabinet includes several strong opponents of LGBT+ rights, a number of cabinet ministers are strong proponents of equality.

On July 7, six of Johnson’s cabinet ministers – Matt Hancock, Liz Truss, Nicky Morgan, Amber Rudd, Michael Gove and Andrea Leadsom – joined a rebellion in favour of extending equal marriage to Northern Ireland, despite the government’s official stance of abstaining on the issue.

Vote Cabinet ministers
Yes Matt Hancock, Andrea Leadsom, Liz Truss, Nicky Morgan, Amber Rudd, Michael Gove
No Jacob Rees-Mogg
Boris Johnson, Sajid Javid, Priti Patel, Dominic Raab, Stephen Barclay, Ben Wallace, Robert Buckland, Gavin Williamson, Theresa Villiaers, Alok Sharma, Grant Shapps, Robert Jenrick, James Cleverly, Julian Smith, Alun Cairns, Alister Jack, Rishi Sunak, Mark Spencer, Geoffrey Cox, Esther McVey, Brandon Lewis, Jo Johnson, Jake Berry, Oliver Dowden

24 cabinet ministers including Johnson followed instructions to abstain on the issue, while Jacob Rees-Mogg cast his vote against.

Two of the ministers who rebelled in favour of the Northern Ireland measure, Nicky Morgan and Andrea Leadsom, had opposed equal marriage in England and Wales in 2013 but subsequently changed their views.

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