Gay people exist because pregnant women have anal sex, claims bishop

The Cyprus bishop made the surreal claim

A bishop has claimed that unborn babies turn gay when their pregnant mothers have anal sex.

Church of Cyprus bishop Neophytos Masouras of Morphou made the surreal claim in June while speaking at a primary school in Akaki, Cyprus.

According to the Cyprus Mail, the Greek Orthodox religious leader claimed that homosexuality is “a problem, which is usually transmitted by parents to the child.”

‘Unnatural sex acts’ during pregnancy makes babies gay

He explained: “It happens during the parent’s intercourse or pregnancy. It follows an unnatural sexual act between the parents.

“To be more clear, anal sex. ‘[Saint Porfyrios] says that when the woman enjoys that, a desire is created, and then the desire is passed on to the child.”

The clip went viral on social media in the country, with LGBT rights group ACCEPT asking: “How are lesbians created?”

Anal sex: Church of Cyprus bishop Neophytos Masouras of Morphou

Church of Cyprus bishop Neophytos Masouras of Morphou (Neophytos Masouras/YouTube)

Another commenter asked: “So, father, if the woman does oral, will the child become a dentist?”

However, not everyone could see the funny side.

One user wrote: “The problem is not this ignoramus, the tragic problem is that there are thousands who believe him.”

People have previously blamed semen-eating anal worms, chicken nuggets and TV music channels for homosexuality.

Cyprus has made LGBT+ reforms

Cyprus decriminalised homosexuality in 1998, and has rapidly made reforms on LGBT+ issues, though ultra-conservative attitudes persist and it lags behind much of Europe.

The country banned discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity in 2004, while civil unions were introduced for same-sex couples in 2015.

A hate crime bill protecting LGBT+ people was passed in 2015, while a public consultation was held on a proposed gender recognition law in 2018.

However, same-sex adoption is still not legal in Cyprus and gay people remain banned from serving in the military.

In the Turkish-occupied Northern Cyprus, homosexuality was only decriminalised in 2014, and LGBT+ people still have little legal recognition.

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