Stephen Colbert perfectly drags straight men who think recycling is ‘gay’

US comedian Stephen Colbert has called out straight men, who – according to Penn State research – don’t recycle because they are scared it makes them “look gay”.

In a segment called ‘Hey Straight Guys: Recycling Does Not Make You Look Gay’ on CBS’s The Late Show, Colbert said, “Here’s a story that may count as lighter news.

“The Earth may be boiling and broiling to a crisp, but according to a new study, men don’t recycle to avoid looking gay.

“Really, men? Is there no limit to straight male fragility?

“Who said gay people suddenly have a reputation for being environmentally-conscious? Have you seen the aftermath of a Gay Pride parade?

“This isn’t just toxic masculinity, this is literally toxic. And as a ruggedly heterosexual male, I feel responsibility to convince my fellow hairy-chested man men, that caring for the earth is butch as hell.”

Study found harmful gender roles perpetuated in views on recycling.

The study, published in August 2019 in the journal Sex Roles, found that straight men will avoid reusable plastic bags and other environmentally friendly efforts because of harmful gender stereotypes.

Researchers found that certain attempts to be more environmentally conscious are often perceived as either masculine or feminine.

Using a reusable shopping bag was labelled a “feminine” act by participants in the study, with both men and women found to be more likely to question a man’s sexuality if he shopped with a bag for life.

Colbert made fun of these stereotypes in his segment on The Late Show.

“Dad, Dad, were you around during the early 21st century?” he said. “What did you to combat the preventable destruction of the planet?”

“I liked girls, that’s what I did,” he responded. “I liked them a lot.”

“Wait,” Colbert added, “now straight men think the way they bag their groceries indicates their sexual orientation?”

Stephen Colbert has form in mocking straight people.

Colbert has also previously supported the LGBT+ community by mocking straight people.

In 2018, after the Supreme Court controversially ruled that a Christian baker could legally refuse to make a cake for a same-sex couple, Colbert proposed opening the Straight Cakes Bakery on The Late Show – calling it an “all-hetero cakeshop”.

The imagined baker at the Straight Cakes Bakery said, “Thanks to the Supreme Court ruling there’s never been a better time to jump into the hetero pastry industry, which is why I opened Straight Cakes, where we guarantee all our cakes are straight like the Bible intended.

“How do you know our cakes our straight? Because every single cake features a guy doing it to a lady.

“Anniversary cake? Guy doing it to a lady. Graduation cake? Guy doing it to a lady. Grandma’s birthday? Old guy doing it to an old lady.

“We also have cupcakes with little guys doing it to little ladies.

“So come on down to Straight Cakes, where our motto is, no cake leaves the shop unless I’m aroused by it.”

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