Award-winning director wants to see more older lesbians on screen

Director wants more older lesbians on screen

The director of an award-winning short film about two elderly lesbians has called for more older LGBT+ women as characters on screen.

Time & Again was written, produced and directed by Rachel Dax and is currently being shown at film festivals, but has already won the audience award for best short narrative film at Outfest film festival in Los Angeles.

It focuses on two former lovers who had married men to hide their sexualities when they were younger, but are then reunited 60 years later when they end up in the same care home.

Dax told the BBC: “I think the main thing is families would be ashamed. It was very much like forced marriage. They were told, ‘If you don’t marry, we’re disowning you.’ Lots of lesbians went to London.”

“It’s not all doom and gloom and shows in your old age you can heal.”

Director wants more older lesbians on screen

Director Rachel Dax with Dame Sian Phillips and Brigit Forsyth. (Time & Again/ Daxifiles)

Rachel Dax said showing older lesbians on screen is important for visibility.

Dax said that older LGBT+ characters in film are often men, and that it’s time for older lesbians to be seen.

She said: “I think older women in general tend to be treated like they don’t have any sexuality. I think it is important for lesbian visibility.

“Not all, but a lot of LGBT+ films with older characters are more male-focused.”

The film’s executive producer, Leigh-Ann Regan, also told the BBC: “Romantic stories about elderly people are not something we see a lot of, let alone romance between the ageing LGBT+ populations.

“And they exist in their thousands, if not millions. This needs to change and I hope this film will play a part in that happening.”

The short film stars BAFTA-winning actor Dame Sian Phillips and Brigit Forsyth, who has had a long career on stage and screen.

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