Woman’s vile ‘homophobic’ rant at pub landlord caught on camera

A woman attacking a man

A 52-year-old woman was arrested after hitting a gay pub landlord and shouting ‘homophobic’ slurs at him.

A shocking video shows how landlord Ryan Carrington was slapped, shoved and called a “fat f*****” outside of the Black Friar pub in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffordshire, on Friday August 16.

He remained poised throughout the incident as his attacker stumbled and slurred her words.

In the video, she is heard shouting: “You’re a gay bod and you don’t like women. That’s what your problem is.”

Warning: This video contains footage some viewers may find distressing or upsetting.

Cooly, Carrington replies: “I’ve been insulted by better than you darling, by people with far more intelligence.”

As she continues her rant the woman becomes physical, however Carrington keeps his composure.

Two women then come out of the pub to his defence, but he places himself between them and the abuser so they don’t get hurt.

The video ends with police arriving at the scene. Staffordshire Police told PinkNews that the woman was arrested on suspicion of a public order offence and bailed until September 9.

Landlord takes pity on ranting woman.

Carrington identified himself as the man in the video after it was shared to the Antisocial Britain Facebook page.

“Being a publican I am well aware of cameras and have to act accordingly, yes my patience was tested but you have to think of pity for this woman,” he wrote, adding that the attack went on for much longer than the four minutes captured on camera.

Rather than shaming the woman, Carrington shared his sympathies.

“I doubt it’s the life she would have chosen if she had a choice. Let’s not condemn her, let’s try to help and educate, far more rewarding,” he wrote.

His partner Justin Carrington confirmed that he was working behind the bar when the abuse began.

Let’s not condemn her, let’s try to help and educate, far more rewarding.

“Nobody goes to work to be abused,” Justin wrote.

“He is fine but being a landlord we can’t [retaliate], we could lose everything and he probably would have got arrested.”

Members of the public were quick to congratulate Carrington on taking the high road.

“What a stand up guy you are, I don’t think many would have been so calm. What a disgraceful homophobic way to act,” one person wrote.

“That man deserves a Pride of Britain award for handling that with so much grace and decorum. Just standing there all majestic and chill with his vape. What a vile, horrible person,” wrote another.

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