Australians ‘overwhelmingly’ believe religious groups should not have the right to discriminate against LGBT people

Australian ele

A new poll has shown that Australians “overwhelmingly” believe that religious organisations should not have the right to discriminate against LGBT+ people.

The Galaxy/YouGov poll, commissioned by PFLAG Australia, showed that 63 percent of people in Australia disagreed with religious discrimination against groups like unmarried mothers or people who are divorced, as well as the LGBT+ population, according to Q News.

When same-sex marriage was legalised in Australia in 2017, conservatives in the country called for “religious freedom” to discriminate.

A draft of new “religious freedom” legislation was presented by attorney general Christian Porter to prime minister Scott Morrison’s cabinet on Tuesday, August 20, and it is expected to be revealed to the public in the next few weeks.

68 percent of Australians also said that religious organisations should not be able to discriminate against people with different views or values.

Almost half (48 percent) of people who described themselves as strongly religious said the same.

62 percent of respondents agreed that religious people and organisations should also be protected from discrimination because of their faith.

Pride march in Melbourne, 2010. (Scott Barbour/Getty)

PFLAG Australia spokesperson said “Christians in Australia are not persecuted and not likely to be”.

PFLAG Australia spokesperson Shelley Argent told Q News that the prime minister should listen to “the actual ‘quiet Australians’, those who don’t want discrimination in the name of religion”, and said that Australia needed a bill of rights to protect the “rights and freedoms” of everyone.

“Parents of LGBTIQ sons and daughters are concerned a small but vocal group of religious leaders are determined to keep our children second-class citizens,” she continued.

“Our children have families who love them. They contribute to society and pay their taxes – which is more than those in the churches can say.

“This push for religious freedom is just a backlash against marriage equality. Christians in Australia are not persecuted and not likely to be. Christians have nothing to fear except fear itself.”

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