Bella Thorne opens up about depression, Tana Mongeau and her porn film debut

Belle Thorne

Bella Thorne had a very honest conversation about depression, directing her first porn movie and ex-girlfriend Tana Mongeau in a candid interview with writer Tom Ward.

Thorne opened up about her battle with depression and the effect social media has on her body image.

The actress admitted that she is insecure and that being in the limelight has played a big part in the negative feelings she has about herself.

Thorne explained: “I care about the general public opinion of me and that drives me nuts… My whole life I have felt not beautiful and I’ve been told that I wasn’t beautiful and then I look in the mirror and I feel not beautiful because that’s all I’ve heard.”

She went on to explain that she has had to retrain her brain to look in the mirror and think of herself as beautiful.

“Now I look in the mirror every day and I’m like, ‘You’re f***ing beautiful’, and just recently in the last 8/9 months I really started to believe it,”  Thorne added.

The former Disney star also spoke about depression and how it is something a lot of people cannot understand. She said it isn’t accurately depicted in movies.

“When it comes to depression people are so mean about it, be happy, go out with your friends, you just need to drink, you just need to have some fun… none of this does anything.

“The hardest thing is really like depression f***s you up but also f***s up everyone around you.”

Bella Thorne still loves Tana Mongeau.

Thorne also opened up about her recent relationship with Tana Mongeau.

The pair had a public feud on social media in which Thorne accused Mongeau of dating her “for Twitter”.

Thorne tweeted: “Tana and I are no longer good. She broke girl code I’m over it.”

Mongeau responed: “????? imagine taking every time ur mad at me to twitter but then telling ppl how much u care about me……………….. wtf is this b :/”

When asked if they had made up, Thorne said they are on good terms and that she still loved Mongeau.

She said: “She’s got those eyes, man. Every time she comes at me with those eyes, man, I’m just putty.”

When Tom Ward prodded Bella Thorne about her thoughts on Tana Mongeau’s marriage to Jake Paul in Vegas last month, after only three months of dating, Thorne said she was “not gonna comment on the wedding”.

Thorne directs porn movie.

Thorne is also set to make her directorial debut for adult video site Pornhub.

Her pornographic film, entitled Her & Him, is inspired by Romeo & Juliet and tells the story of two star-crossed lovers in a BDSM relationship.

Thorne hopes people will be open-minded about the film and explained that part of the reason she wanted to make it was because of the taboos around sex.

“I’m interested to see how people have sex. Nobody talks about sex.

“That’s why I wanted to do the movie, because sex is such a weird thing, but how did we all get here, guys?

“Like, why is this such a big deal?” the actress asked.

Her & Him will be shown at The Oldenburg Film Festival in Germany from 11-15 September.

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