We regret to inform you Franklin Graham is at it again: Pastor tells Pete Buttigieg it’s ‘not OK to be gay’

Conservative evangelical preacher Franklin Graham has condemned Pete Buttigieg for “trying to tell people that the homosexual lifestyle is OK with God”.

The Trump-supporting pastor has a Facebook following of nearly 8 million. He specifically targeted Buttigieg in a post which criticised him for his stance on abortion.

It begins: “Mayor Pete Buttigieg has been speaking openly about his support for abortion, which he says is a woman’s right to choose. That’s a crock . No one has the right to choose murder.”

He then referred to Buttigieg’s brother-in-law, a pastor who recently urged Buttigeig to “reconsider” his defence of abortion.

“Pastor Rhyan Glezman, who is the brother of the man Mayor Pete is married to said, ‘I feel a sense of responsibility and stewardship of my faith to stand up and say something, to say no, that’s not true.’

“Mayor Pete is trying to tell people that the homosexual lifestyle is OK with God and that abortion is OK. His brother-in-law is right when he said, ‘This is leading people astray and it’s very, very dangerous.'”

Buttigieg has often spoken openly about his Christian faith, and insisted that it doesn’t contradict his homosexuality or his pro-choice stance. But Graham disagreed.

“God defines right and wrong, not us,” he wrote. “As Christians, we are to live by the standards He gives us in His Word. ‘I am the Lord, and there is no other; there is no God besides Me.’ (Isaiah‬ ‭45:5).”

It’s not the first time Graham has taken issue with the presidential hopeful, having previously called on him to “repent” his homosexual sins or face “eternal damnation”.

Franklin Graham talks with Donald Trump during a ceremony at the U.S. Capitol, 2018 (Ron Sachs-Pool/Getty)

He’s even slammed Taylor Swift after she used an acceptance speech at the MTV Video Music Awards to call for the passage of a bill that would extend civil rights laws to LGBT+ people.

He raged: “Shame on Taylor Swift for using her platform to try to push the socialist left’s so-called Equality Act, which has nothing to do with equality, but is about pushing the LGBTQ agenda down the throats of the American people.”


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