Gay Men’s Chorus sign vandalised with violent homophobic message: ‘Die F*gs Die’

The Oakland Gay Men's Chorus group had their sign defaced

The Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus has spoken out after a sign on their office was defaced with the message ‘Die Fags Die’.

The group in Oakland, California, which has 50 members, spoke out about the vandalism on Thursday, September 19.

In a statement, the Gay Men’s Chorus said: “Someone has defaced our office banner and wrote ‘Die F… Die’. ?️‍?

“In the past there has been discussion about keeping the Gay in the chorus name; that maybe it was time to change because so much progress has been made in our society.

“Seeing and reading the despicable defacing brings home the need to continue to be present and that the fight for respect and quality continues.”

Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus plans to restore banner.

The group added: “We are figuring out the best way to get rid of the offensive markings and restore our banner to its previous condition.

“Hopefully this was a one-time event, but we will be vigilant.”

The Oakland Gay Men's Chorus faced vandalism

The Oakland Gay Men’s Chorus faced vandalism

One Facebook commenter wrote: “So sorry this happened. Keep the name, the fight is not over and sadly won’t be over in our lifetime. ?️‍?”

Another added: “Regretfully sign of the times. We will persevere ❤️”

The group, which welcomes members of any gender across the LGBT+ spectrum. had celebrated its 20th anniversary earlier this year.

The chorus serves members from all around the Bay Area, with three seasonal and numerous outreach performances every year.

Gay chorus documentary tipped for awards success.

MTV Documentary Films recently acquired the rights to Gay Chorus Deep South, a documentary about another gay chorus battling intolerance.

Directed by David Charles Rodrigues, the film follows members of the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus as they perform on their 2017 Lavender Pen Tour, in the wake of the 2016 election and battles over state anti-LGBT laws.

The film, which picked up the audience award for best documentary feature at Tribeca Film Festival, is slated for cinema release later this year for awards season consideration.

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