Activists drown out anti-trans group’s meeting at Labour Party Conference

Trans rights activists protest against a 'transphobic' conference. (Screen captures via Twitter/@bindelj)

A crowd of trans rights activists staged a demonstration outside the Labour Party Conference to protest against a ‘transphobic and whorephobic’ group meeting.

Activist group Queer AF gathered at the conference centre in Brighton where a meeting of Woman’s Place UK (WPUK) was being held.

WPUK campaigns for spaces and services reserved for cis women only, excluding trans women.

At previous WPUK events transgender women have been branded “horrible, hateful, misogynistic bastards” and compared to parasites.

Parents of transgender children have been accused of “presiding over a generation of institutionalised child abuse”, and transgender children referred to as mutilated.

WPUK frequently faces backlash in the form of counter-protests and demonstrations, with several events being cancelled in response.

Queer AF objected to WPUK’s presence at the political event, saying that the group was “piggy-backing off the Labour party conference to dissipate their hateful rhetoric” in an attempt to increase their influence within the party.

Protesters could be heard shouting and banging on the windows outside to drown out the speakers within. The MailOnline reported that more than 100 people attended the demonstration.

Radical feminist Julie Bindel also attended the event. She filmed the protesters and complained that police were not intervening in their right to non-violent protest.

Protester Frankie Green said: “As a queer ally, it upsets me to see my friends and siblings being persecuted just for being who they are. It reminds me of the same way the public used to talk about us being perverted just because we don’t love in a heteronormative way.”

Lillian Henriette added: “It baffles me that a woman can reduce herself to the very thing she objected to be reduced to – misogyny.”

In a statement to PinkNews, Queer AF accused WPUK of “promoting harmful and misleading ideas that falsely represent that women’s rights and trans rights are in opposition to each other”.

A Queer AF spokesperson said: WPUK was founded to oppose proposed reforms of the Gender Recognition Act, an act which allows transgender people in England and Wales to legally change their assigned gender.
“Their manipulative strategies particularly target young women, disguising their intentions until ticket holders are in the room, and then using hateful propaganda to try convert attendees towards their transphobic positions.”

The group was accused of aggression and intimidation at the event, obstructing WPUK’s right to speak. Queer AF denied any intimidation in a Facebook post the day after the protest.


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