Lady Gaga surprising an emotional gay fan is the most heartwarming thing you’ll see today

Lady Gaga meets a 19-year-old superman in an emotional video. (Screen capture via Allure Magazine)

In today’s ‘We are truly blessed to live in the same universe as Lady Gaga’ news, the pop icon surprised a gay fan during a promotion of her new make-up line, Haus Laboratories.

While his make-up was undeniably gorgeous, heart-strings were tugged when cosmetology student Brandon Galaz opened up about his family rejecting him when he came out.

Allure magazine invited Galaz to sit down with Gaga’s make-up artist, Sarah Tanno, as part of a promotion with Gaga’s new brand, but had no clue it would involve the superstar herself.

The 19-year-old has written a letter to Gaga that he hoped Tanno would deliver to her on his behalf.

But Tanno asked him to read the letter aloud. As he did, Gaga strolls casually into the studio and sets her hand on Galaz’s shoulder.

His reaction is priceless.

The emotional encounter is crammed with beauty tips, tear-jerking hugs and the teen getting to meet his role model.

“I am unsure if I’d have the courage to accept and be who I am today without the acceptance and peace I have found in your music and life story,” he told her.

Golaz continued: And in closing, your words that gives me strength, no matter how much success you have, no matter how much success you have, no matter how many people accept you to your face, the person that really needs you is to accept you.”

He added that Gaga has made him fee; “brave” and that “it’s important to see yourself as you see you.”

“I’m so proud of you,” Gaga replies, visibly emotional.

“You’ve been through a lot.”

You can watch the full video on Allure’s website.

Make sure to grab a box of tissues, though.

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