Our prayers to the queer gods have finally been answered: The C**k Destroyers are starring in a gay porn film

Rebecca More and Sophie Anderson have got their own gay porn film

The C**k Destroyers have taken a break from their busy schedule of c**k destroying to appear in a Victorian-themed gay porn film.

Warning: The remainder of this article, for obvious reasons, is very much NSFW and includes explicit words.

Porn stars Rebecca More and Sophie Anderson earned an instant gay Twitter following in 2018, thanks to a viral clip in which More declares: “Do you know what we are? We’re f**king cock destroyers.”

The pair’s gay following has now reached its natural culmination – a four-part Men.com gay porn series.

The elaborate Victorian-themed series, titled A Tale of Two Cock Destroyers, will feature More and Anderson as rival brothel madams in cahoots with the town constable in “a story of sex, deceit, blackmail, revenge and absolution”.

Set for release on on October 18, the film’s male cast includes Jonas Jackson, JJ Knight, Leander, Ty Mitchell and Johnny Rapid.

The Cock Destroyers are ‘huge fans’ of gay porn.

More said: “It was a great opportunity. We’ve both been huge fans of gay porn, so this is kind of like we’ve peaked now!

“When we got the script, we were like, ‘Oh, my god!’ It was great!”

The elaborate Men.com series features a large cast

The elaborate Men.com series features a large cast

Ty Mitchell added: “It was refreshing working with and getting to know two fun, down-to-earth sex worker icons.

“They brought so much vibrant energy to the production, and all of us were so mutually star struck by each other. It was a blast!”

Director Alter Sin said: “The girls were amazing! The level of professionalism and positiveness on set was infectious. Rebecca and Sophie were an absolute dream!’”

The pair say they are 'huge fans' of gay porn

The pair say they are ‘huge fans’ of gay porn (Men.com)

The studio thanked the pair for “taking time out of their busy schedules of cock destruction, party promotion and merch designing to take part in the Victorian-themed series”.

The porn performers love their unlikely fans.

Speaking to Vice in 2018, More explained: “I had no idea I was going to get a gay following. It’s the highest form of compliment ever!

“Every woman wants to be admired by gay guys. I’ve always loved gay porn, and for me the attraction is that I can’t have a gay guy – the ultimate fantasy!

“Now I’m getting all this love from the gay community, and it’s amazing.”

She added: “I can tell who is gay from their responses to my tweets because they’re always funnier.”

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