EXCLUSIVE: Scaredy Kat on sexuality, Extinction Rebellion and why her girlfriend wouldn’t do well on Drag Race UK

Scaredy Kat became the second ever queen to sashay away from RuPaul’s Drag Race UK last night.

She was the youngest contestant who caused a stir and birthed a meme by identifying as something other than a gay man.

We caught up with the 20-year-old from Wiltshire to chat about the show, Extinction Rebellion and why she thinks her girlfriend wouldn’t do well on Drag Race UK.

What’s the reaction been like?

Quite positive. I thought it was going to be really hateful but I’m actually pleased. Obviously there’s controversy but that’s always great fun to be involved in.

What controversy?

Mainly the sexuality stuff.

Well it’s National Coming Out Day. How do you define your sexuality?

I wouldn’t really. I just say I f**k anything, love anyone. Bi, pan, whatever, one of them. You choose.

Some people assumed you were straight because you said you had a girlfriend. Do you think we’ve got a long way to go in terms of bi and pan visibility?

I think so, but I do understand. The whole bi thing troubles people. It gives them a challenge. We have got a way to go, but we’ll get there.

Why is it a challenge?

I think people love the binary, don’t they? They love black or white, yes or no, right or wrong. So they struggle with the weird in-the-middle bit.

Scaredy Kat says she will attend an XR event (@scaredykatofficial).

Would you like to see AFAB queens like your girlfriend Pussy Kat competing on Drag Race?

Definitely. I think they should have all sorts of drag on there because there’s all sorts of drag in the world. The platform is so big so they should show it. And if you are one of those people you should bloody audition!

Would she want to compete? 

I don’t think she’d fare very well because she’s even more of an artist than I am. She’s more the crying-at-home, cutting-your-ear-off kind of girl than get-on-stage-and-shake-your-tits-around.

Did she get you into drag?

Yeah, we did it together. Every decision I make, everything I do goes through her first. It’s a team effort.

Behind every powerful man…

Is a more powerful woman, exactly.

How does your memory compare to what we saw on TV?

I didn’t actually watch the second episode, so I can’t fully tell you.

How come?

Just the old anxiety, self-esteem thing. It’s going to take me a while to get used to it. It’s a bit weird.


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Thanks for having me @gaytimes for Queer Me Out! ?? ?: @krishumphreysphoto

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Has being on Drag Race UK made you less of a Scaredy Kat?

It’s helped. The anxiety is still my best friend but that’s alright, she can stay around.

You started drag so young. What was the reaction like?

The only abuse I’ve had has been in the street. And that’s always a good laugh, isn’t it? A few middle fingers here and there.

How do you respond?

Just smile, laugh it up. Any attention is good attention.

Scaredy Kat

Scaredy Kat was the second queen to be eliminated from RuPaul’s Drag Race UK. (BBC)

Who do you want to win Drag Race UK?

Divina, definitely. She’s the most professional, most talented, she’s hilarious. She knows what she’s doing. She definitely deserves it.

Who were you planning to do for Snatch Game?

Russell Brand.

Who is your favourite Drag Race queen?

Adore or Alaska – I’m very mainstream.

And favourite non-Drag Race queen?

 Amber Cadaverous.

Would you come back for All Stars?

Give me a year or so. Yeah, why not?

Maisie Williams seemed like a big fan of yours. You might not know as you haven’t watched it back, but –

I was there actually when they filmed it.

Touché. Have any other celebs got in touch?

I spoke to Trixie Mattel, she was like: ‘You are so cool.’ And Boy George started following me on Twitter.

What’s next for Scaredy Kat?

I have a music video – Bedroom Queen – coming out today that me and Pussy made together. We’ve got art exhibitions ready – fun ones, not sh*t ones like in the Tate. We’re going to rock the world, see what happens.

You and Pussy Kat have posted bout Extinction Rebellion online. What would you say to people who think their methods are a bit extreme?

I think you’ve got to go for it. We’re living on this planet and it’s going to sh*t and we’ve got to do something about it. And we’ve got to do it now. If you’re not listening to that, you’re crazy.

Have you got any thoughts on #WagathaChristie?

I don’t know what any of that is [laughs].

You know, when Coleen Rooney called out Rebekah Vardy for allegedly selling stories to The Sun?

Cool, I don’t know who those people are. I just stay at home with the cat.

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