Law firm distances itself from lawyer who announced the launch of the anti-trans LGB Alliance

Allison Bailey

The lawyer who announced the launch of the “LGB Alliance”, which has been branded anti-trans, has been thrown under the bus by her own law firm.

Lawyer Allison Bailey of Garden Court Chambers, who describes herself as “gender critical”, wrote a tweet on Tuesday (October 22) announcing the launch of the group. 

She wrote: “This is an historic moment for the Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual movement.

“LGB Alliance launched in London tonight, and we mean business. Spread the word, gender extremism is about to meet its match.”

However, lesbian, gay and bisexual people were quick to call out the new group – blasting it for being “transphobic”, “disgusting” and “vile”, and many telling members: “You do not speak for me.”

Many in the LGBT+ community also pointed out that many members of the new group are straight, as are a lot of the people backing it online.

But now, Garden Court Chambers has posted on its website to say that it does not agree with Bailey’s views.

The post read: “We wish to make it clear that LGB Alliance is not part of Garden Court Chambers nor representative of the views of Chambers.”

The next day the chambers announced on Twitter that it would be investigating complaints it had received about Bailey’s comments.

The tweet read: “We are investigating concerns raised about Allison Bailey’s comments in line with our complaints/Bar policies.

“We take these concerns v seriously and will take all appropriate action.

“Her views are expressed in a personal capacity and do not represent a position adopted by Garden Court.”

It added: “Garden Court Chambers is fiercely proud of its long-standing commitment to promoting equality, fighting discrimination and defending human rights.”

On Friday, Bailey chaired a meeting of the anti-trans group A Woman’s Place UK (WPUK), in Oxford.

WPUK campaigns for spaces and services reserved for cis women only, excluding trans women.

On the Eventbrite page for the meeting, Bailey’s bio reads: “Allison has always supported the rights of gender-reassigned persons to live full lives, free from discrimination, however, she believes that in matters of public policy and law, including safeguarding and statistical gathering and analysis, biological reality must always come before gender identity.”



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