Pastor tells Democrats to reject Pete Buttigieg because ‘it is not the time’ for a gay President

Bishop Paul S Morton performs onstage during the Super Bowl Gospel 2013 Show at UNO Lakefront Arena on February 1, 2013 in New Orleans, Louisiana.

A megachurch pastor has urged Democrats to oppose Pete Buttigieg in the Presidential primary because he is gay.

Bishop Paul S. Morton, who preaches at Greater St. Stephen Full Gospel Baptist Church in New Orleans, Louisiana, made the plea on Twitter.

Bishop Paul S. Morton tells Democrats ‘it’s not the time’ for a gay President

He wrote: “Dems I pray U will use wisdom in voting. Being too liberal will not win.

“I am not Homophobic. But it is definitely not the time 4 POTUS 2b a man with his husband up there by his side.

“There are those of us who love everybody But we believe in the Biblical Definition of Marriage.”

Heading off accusations of homophobia, he added: “If I am homophobic God is too.

“All I know is I’m following Him and His Word. I know He loves The World and I do too. But I will not go against God’s Word to please you or no one else.”

Responding to criticism, he continued: “My tweet was just a Warning if you want to commit Political Suicide vote for whoever you want to vote for just don’t blame it on me.”

Chasten Glezman Buttigieg greets his husband, South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg

Chasten Glezman Buttigieg greets his husband, South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg (Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

Many respondents noted that the same tired arguments were used when Barack Obama ran for President.

One reply said: “I can’t remember Jesus ever saying anything like this in the bible. I will vote for Pete because he is the best candidate running. Pete touches my heart and I know he is a person of faith.”

Another added: “‘I’m not homophobic BUT…..’ is always the best way to show how homophobic you actually are.

“Next time maybe add an ‘I have a gay friend’ just to make it even clearer.”

A third Twitter user wrote: “This is literally the reason I left the church. There is no need for this hatred from you or from any pulpit. You’re an absolute embarrassment.”

In news that will surprise no-one, the bishop has strongly opposed LGBT+ rights, previously calling for a ban on gay weddings, and attacking the Grammys in 2014 when Queen Latifah hosted a mass wedding during the ceremony.

Pete Buttigieg has repeatedly faced homophobia on the campaign trail

It’s not the first time that Pete Buttigieg has faced brazen homophobia on the campaign trail.

Buttigieg also faced attacks from Trump ally Franklin Graham, who has repeatedly targeted his sexuality.

Last month, a Tennessee county official said it was “about as ugly as you can get” that there was a “queer running for president.”

The Presidential hopeful responded: “Well, he was right about one thing. He’s right that there is a gay man running for president.

“He doesn’t seem to be right about much else.”

He added that he had encountered similar discrimination while campaigning, but made clear: “It doesn’t speak for most people. And I think the most important thing is to approach with compassion.”

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