Billy Eichner wants to remove Kevin Spacey from homosexuality and replace him with Chris Evans

Billy Eichner asked a man on the street if he would sign a petition to remove Kevin Spacey from homosexuality and replace him with Chris Evans

Billy Eichner has come up with the perfect plan: he wants to remove Kevin Spacey from homosexuality and replace him with Captain America actor Chris Evans.

Eichner came up with the plan in the latest episode of Billy on the Street where he was joined by Evans.

In the episode, Eichner approaches a man on the street and asks him if he will sign a petition to strip Spacey of his gay card and give it to Evans instead.

“Sir, for a dollar, would you like to sign this petition to remove Kevin Spacey from homosexuality and add Chris Evans?” Eichner asks the man, with Evans standing by his side.

The man weighs up the question for a moment before agreeing to sign the petition.

Eichner’s “petition” references Spacey’s infamous decision to come out as gay in response to allegations of sexual harassment from actor Anthony Rapp. Spacey was subsequently accused of various instances of sexual harassment and assault by a number of men.

Billy Eichner and Chris Evans were celebrating the 15th anniversary of Billy on the Street.

Evans joined Eichner on the latest episode of Billy on the Street to mark the show’s 15th anniversary. They were also celebrating the show’s arrival on streaming platform Netflix.

At one point in the episode, Eichner interrupts a conversation with a passer-by about Evans to talk about his show’s success.

“I’m on Netflix now, that’s what we’re here to talk about,” Eichner says.

Sir, for a dollar, would you like to sign this petition to remove Kevin Spacey from homosexuality and add Chris Evans?

“Will you still be on Netflix when ABC/Disney has their streaming service?” the man replies.

“Give me 100 bucks, I’ll take these episodes to Disney+ right now, do you understand me? I have no allegiance!” Eichner says.

Later in the episode, Billy and Chris are shown running with a group of women. Eichner says: “OK guys, now Chris and I are joined by Chris’s worst nightmare: a bunch of lesbians that don’t care that he’s hot. Let’s go lesbians, let’s go!”

Evans appeared on the Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon earlier this week with his gay brother.

Evans has had a busy week in the spotlight. He also appeared on The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon with his gay brother Scott where the pair played a game of “Know Your Bro” where they were asked to answer questions about each other.

While Chris’s gay brother Scott isn’t quite as well known, he is also an actor.

The pair took turns on the show to wear Fallon’s famous noise cancelling headphones and were asked to answer questions about each other to see if they matched.

Chris was first asked what his brother would be doing if he wasn’t an actor – to which he correctly answered that he would be a homicide detective.

However, their answers began to diverge when they were asked to talk about something Chris did as a child that their parents still don’t know about.

Scott recounted a time when his brother pushed him into a coffee table, splitting his head open and causing him to need stitches.

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