If you thought Donald Trump Jr’s transphobia in interviews was bad, his book is even worse

Donald Trump Jr

Donald Trump Jr, a man deemed “too stupid to collude with Russia”, has taken aim at trans athletes in his new book, Triggered: How the Left Thrives on Hate and Wants to Silence Us.

Trump Jr’s new tome is billed as “the book that the leftist elites don’t want you to read,” a 304-page rant in which “no topic is spared from political correctness”.

Among those topics, naturally, is transgender athletes, something which he has been dwelling on for some time now.

In October, the former Apprentice judge called the inclusion of trans athletes “BS [which] will destroy women’s sports and everything so many amazing female athletes have worked their entire lives to achieve”.

He doubled down on this rhetoric on Wednesday, November 6, telling CBS’ This Morning: “Identify how you want, I think it’s wonderful. I don’t care.

“When you start saying: ‘OK, I’m a man. I’ve become a woman. I’m now winning national championships, setting weightlifting world records,’ you know, displacing women who’ve worked their entire lives to get to a point in their careers, I think that’s wrong.”

President’s son misgenders trans athletes while making debased accusations.

In Triggered, Trump Jr has trumped his own transphobia, misgendering the entire community.

“When we allow mediocre men to compete in women’s sports, we do a disservice to all the hardworking young women who have fought to get to where they are,” he wrote.

Trump Jr says that trans inclusion is about more than “just our sense of fairness and [the] lost scholarships [that are] on the line”, claiming that it can also pose a “safety issue”.

Referring to retired MMA fighter Fallon Fox, he suggested that she transitioned in order to abuse cis women.

“This wasn’t just a man who wanted to run races in lanes next to women. This was a man who was losing bouts to other men, so he decided he wanted to beat up women instead.”

Trump Jr wrote about a 2014 match in which Fox left her opponent Tamikka Brents with a broken orbital bone.

“He [sic] used his big hands to beat Brents into an early technical knockout,” he wrote.

“There is no universe in which that should be acceptable, nor is there anyone who can argue that it was a fair fight!”

At the time, Brents suggested that the injury might have related the fact that Fox is trans, claiming that she had “fought a lot of women and have never felt the strength that I felt in a fight as I did that night”.

Dr Eric Vilain, director of the Institute For Society And Genetics at UCLA, refuted the claim in Time Magazine, saying that AMAB trans people “have significantly less muscle strength and bone density, and higher fat mass, than males”.

Donald Trump Jr outed the whistleblower.

With Triggered, Donald Trump Jr adds author to his middling CV.

Until his father became president, Trump Jr was best known for appearing on The Celebrity Apprentice, and for losing the show a key sponsorship after he was photographed with animals he’d killed on safari.

Since becoming America’s First Son, he has been at the centre of several controversies.

On Wednesday, he tweeted a link to an article which allegedly names the whistleblower who triggered his father’s impeachment inquiry, potentially putting a person’s life at risk.

Previously, he had been a person of interest in the Robert Mueller investigation into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 election.

It was established that Trump Jr met with a Russian lawyer in June 2016 to, in Trump Sr’s words, “get information on an opponent.”

In his report, Mueller concluded that he could not establish whether there was collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, saying that Trump Jr and other members of the team were too incompetent to “willfully” collude.

Mueller wrote that he was unable to “prove beyond a reasonable doubt that these individuals [including Trump Jr.] acted ‘willfully,’ i.e., with general knowledge of the illegality of their conduct.”

In response to the findings, Trump Jr. tweeted: “TOLD YA!!!”

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