Mel B explains the difference between dating men and women and why she watches lesbian porn

Mel B lesbian porn

Scary Spice Mel B has said she watches lesbian porn because it’s “nicer and kinder”.

According to Music News, she discussed her porn viewing habits on her “brutally honest” relationship podcast The Truth Flirts, and said: “Lesbian porn is more sensual, I think anyway. It’s nicer and kinder.”

In 2018, lesbian porn was the most commonly watched category for women both on Pornhub and YouPorn.

The Spice Girls star has had relationships with both men and women, and previously had a five-year relationship with film producer Christine Crokos.

Discussing her sexuality, she reportedly told radio host Howard Stern in 2010: “People call me lesbian, bisexual or heterosexual, but I know who’s in my bed and that’s it… I have a huge libido and a great sex life.”

She also spoke about the differences between dating men and dating women on the podcast, referencing her relationship with Crokos.

Mel B, whose real name is Melanie Brown, said: “I do think that dating women is very different to dating men… I had a five-year relationship with a woman and it was an intense five years, but it was actually a really beautiful five years.

“We barely kind of argued, because we both thought the same, wanted the same out of life. It was really interesting when I actually compare it to my other relationships.”

Mel B previously claimed she and fellow band member Geri Halliwell had a sexual encounter at the height of Spice Girls’ fame.

Mel B implied that she had sex with Halliwell — now Geri Horner — during an interview with Piers Morgan. Mail on Sunday reported that she nodded and smiled when Morgan asked her if she had slept with Haliwell “like that”.

She said: “She’s [Halliwell] going to hate me for this because she’s all posh in her country house and her husband. But it’s a fact. It just happened and we just giggled at it and that was it.”

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