Tory general election candidate suspended after saying homosexuality isn’t ‘good for the human race’

Ryan Houghton

The Conservative candidate for Aberdeen North has been suspended from the party after a series of “unacceptable” antisemitic, racist and homophobic posts emerged online.

Ryan Houghton made the offensive comments on a martial arts forum in 2013, when he was 20. In one post he wrote: “Surely if the majority of the population was to become gay then the species would die out, so it would be harmful?

“I know I’m kind of going to the extreme here but I don’t see how homosexuality is ‘good’ for the human race?”

He later clarified that he had “no problem with anyone’s lifestyle choices” but was just trying “to think of an example when it could be considered bad for the human race”.

Houghton also praised the “interesting” research of the discredited historian and Hitler apologist, David Irving. In 2006 Irving was jailed in Austria after describing the gas chambers as a “fairytale”.

Houghton defended Irving, saying: “A charleton [sic] seems a bit heavy, even his opponents recongnised [sic] his skill as a historian.”

He then questioned whether some aspects of the Holocaust could have been “fabricated”.

“I do find some of the events fabricated, and exegarated [sic] in some cases. As history is written by the victors there is always going to be a bit of re-writing,” he said.

In another discussion Houghton claimed Muslims were having large families in a bid to create “Eurabia” and made the ridiculous claim that the “core teaching” of Islam is the “eventual domination” of the world.

I do not hold, and have never held, antisemitic, racist or homophobic views.

The posts were brought to light by Scottish paper The National. Hours later, the Tories moved to suspend their candidate from the general election.

A Conservative spokesman said: “The comments contained in these blogs are unacceptable and Mr Houghton has been suspended as a member of the Scottish Conservative party as a result.

“The party has also withdrawn its support for his candidacy in Aberdeen North. The Scottish Conservatives deplores all forms of Islamophobia, homophobia and antisemitism.”

Houghton replied: “I do not hold, and have never held, antisemitic, racist or homophobic views. I would strongly refute any suggestion to the contrary.”

He further defended himself in a statement on Twitter, in which he pledged to fully cooperate with the party’s investigation. He added: “[I] look forward to clearing my name.”

The scandal comes just a week after a Labour Aberdeenshire candidate Kate Ramsden quit after publishing a blog post describing Israel as “an abused child who becomes an abusive adult”.

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