Transgender dad shares powerful story of how he and his wife conceived their son using his eggs

Transgender dad shares powerful story of how he and his wife conceived their son using his eggs

A transgender man has shared his powerful story of how he became a dad using his own eggs.

Seth Marlow explains in new podcast ‘Pregnantish’, which is released today, that he had his gender transition medically reversed in 2012 so his ovaries would produce enough eggs for him to become a dad.

The egg was then fertilized using the sperm of an anonymous donor and the embryo was frozen for three years. It was then transferred to his wife’s uterus and they welcomed their son Arlo into the world in October 2015.

“Arlo has two genetic fathers,” Seth told The New York Post. “He’s a pretty unique kid.”

Transgender dad Seth Marlow temporarily stopped taking testosterone and took estrogen so he could have a family.

Becoming a dad was a powerful experience for Seth, who believed that he would not have a family of his own when he first transitioned at the age of 25. He thought he would be a bachelor for life before he met his wife Leah.

The transgender dad, who lives in Roanoke, Virginia said that the couple quickly decided when their relationship became serious that they wanted to have children.

Transgender dad Seth Marlow

Transgender dad Seth Marlow with his son Arlo

Seth decided to stop taking testosterone and start taking oestrogen so he could produce eggs to make their dream come true.

Arlo has two genetic fathers. He’s a pretty unique kid.

Doing so did not come without its issues – Seth said it had a “psychological toll” on him – but he was determined to have a child with his wife. Taking oestrogen meant that Seth developed curves and started having periods.

The couple are hoping to have more children in the future.

The couple have also been extremely open with Arlo about how he was born. Seth revealed that they were recently talking to him about the possibility of adding another child to the family.

“Arlo said, ‘Will we be using your eggs, Daddy?’ He doesn’t understand the mechanics of the sexual act, but he knows about all the different ways a baby can be created.”

The couple have 13 leftover embryos frozen in a lab and are hoping to use them in the future to expand their family even more.

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