This woman unwittingly asked a gay guy out on a date. He set her up with his straight identical twin brother instead

straight identical twin

A student accidentally asked a gay guy out on a date but, in a move proving him to be wingman of the century, he set her up with his straight identical twin brother instead.

University of Iowa student Jillian wrote on Twitter that she had spotted a “cute guy” in the dining hall of her university residence, Burge Hall, and decided to give him her number.

She posted a screenshot of his response in which he said he was gay, but offered a date with his identical twin brother.

He wrote: “Hey this is Derek from Burge! I wanted to say I respect your confidence to be able to come up to me and give me your number, you are very pretty!

“Unfortunately I am gay BUT I am an identical twin and he’s straight if you’d like his number or Snapchat.”

Jillian texted back: “Oh my lanta. Honestly, that works out. Yes please.”

The tweet went viral and currently has more than 50,000 retweets and over 400,000 likes.

The next day, she posted an update to say that she had in fact been for lunch with Derek’s brother.

She wrote: “Went to lunch with the brother. His name is Scott, will be hanging out again after thanksgiving break.”

Jillian then posted another update to say that she and Derek had now become friends and would also be “hanging out again after thanksgiving break”.

Twitter users had “no choice but to stan” the bizarre yet successful turn of events, with one writing: “What a story to tell the kids someday if this works out.”

Another wrote: “Not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed.”

“Cute” Derek has won the hearts of gay Twitter with many desperate to know if he’s single. One person wrote: “Soooooo can I have the initial twin, then?” Another said: “I’m gay sign me up sis they’re cute AF.”


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