New Jersey is the latest state to join the fight to let trans people use the right bathroom

New Jersey

The attorney general of New Jersey has announced that the state has filed a brief in support of transgender students being allowed to use the bathroom consistent with their gender identity.

Gurbir Grewal, the 61st attorney general of New Jersey, announced the move on November 27.

“People have the right to be treated in line with their gender identity and to live free of transphobia. That’s why, we’re proud to stand with the LGBTQ+ community and file a brief yesterday fighting for a transgender student’s equal rights,” Grewal said on Twitter.

Grewal has joined with 22 other attorney general’s in the US who are fighting to support trans civil rights by filing a federal court brief arguing that schools can’t lawfully deny students access to the restrooms consistent with their gender identity.

“In New Jersey and across this country, individuals deserve the right to be treated in line with their gender identity and to live free of transphobia,” Grewal said in a statement.

“So in addition to issuing new policies last week that protect the safety and dignity of our transgender residents, I’m also standing up for their civil rights in court. Schools, bars and any other places of public accommodation may not discriminate against transgender individuals, and we’ll take action whenever they do.”

Grewal’s office said the multi-state brief is in support of Gavin Grimm, a trans student who filed a lawsuit in 2015 when his school in Virginia refused to let him use the male bathrooms consistent with his gender identity.

“Discrimination against transgender people has no legitimate basis, and serves only to injure a group that is feared for being different,” asserts the multi-state brief filed in support of Grimm.

“Such discrimination harms transgender people at school, at work and in other settings, causing tangible economic, educational, emotional, and health consequences.”

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