Gay man tells his mum he’s not a bottom and her response is iconic

Gay man tells mum he's not a bottom. Her response? 'Bulls**t'

This gay guy got more than he bargained for when he decided to make a TikTok discussing his sex life with his mum.

The TikTok – which was shared on Twitter by DCHomos – shows the guy asking his mum to pause what she’s watching so he can tell her something important.

“You know the guy I’m talking to is six four?” he says. “Can’t wait to get my s**t wrecked.”

“What?” his mum replies.

“I can’t wait to get my s**t wrecked,” he reiterates, recording his mum for her reaction.

Gay guy’s mum asks him: ‘So you are a bottom?’

“You’re going to get your s**t wrecked?” she asks.

When he says yes, without missing a beat, his mum asks: “So you are a bottom?”

The gay guy is clearly stunned by her response. “Wait. OK, that’s just not what you’re supposed to say.”

“What am I supposed to say?” his mum asks.

Bulls**t. Have you ever done anything for anybody else? No, you’re a taker.”

“Not that!”

He then goes over and sits with his mum to have a serious chat – one which surely very few gay men have had to have with their mothers.

“I’m not a bottom,” he tells her.

But his mum is not convinced. She stares at him quizzically, and then says: “Bulls**t.”

She continues: “Have you ever done anything for anybody else? No, you’re a taker.”

The video has gone down a treat on Twitter.

Unsurprisingly, the iconic video has quickly gone viral and has been liked more than 4,000 times since it was shared on Twitter.

The guy – whose TikTok username is @rjrea55 – has won praise for his candid conversation with his mum. But it’s his mother who is getting the most attention for her open-minded approach to gay sex.


TikTok has proven hugely popular with LGBT+ people across the world – but the platform was recently forced to admit that they had censored LGBT+ users’ content in an effort to protect them from cyberbullying.

In a follow-up statement to The Guardian, TikTok said: “Early on, in response to an increase in bullying on the app, we implemented a blunt and temporary policy.

“While the intention was good, the approach was wrong and we have long since changed the earlier policy in favour of more nuanced anti-bullying policies and in-app protections.”

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