These lines from Drag Race can also be said during sex and – with every pun intended – we’re gagging

Drag Race: Lil Poundcake, with the text: 'You're not my real dad and you never will be'

When Twitter was asked to “name a line from Drag Race that you can also say during sex”, she well and truly delivered.

If you’ve been online during the past week, there’s a good chance you’ve come across the “things you can also say during [blank] and sex” meme.

It’s a simple premise. Fill in the blank with a film, TV series, game or location, and let the smutty jokes roll on in.

Gay Twitter obviously being the highest form of Twitter, a Drag Race edition of format has outdone everything that came before it.

Response ranged from nutty…

…to scatalogical.

Positions came into play.

As did, unsurprisingly, orifices.

Pearl’s iconic “is there something on my face” took on a whole new meaning.

Likewise, Latrice Royale’s catchphrase.

Dissatisfaction was a common theme…

… with Drag Race royalty, Katya, getting in on the act.

The winner came directly from within the Drag Race hall of fame, with All Stars  winner Alaska delivering the big finish.

And now you’ll never be able to watch Drag Race in the same way again. You’re welcome!

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