If you buy the new Harry Styles album you’ll get to see him naked. Yes, really

Harry Styles naked, lying next to a giant heart

Harry Styles has gifted his thirsty faithful by bundling a big ol’ nude poster with his upcoming album Fine Line.

The former One Direction singer releases his second full-length effort this Friday, December 13.

Expectations are high, and it seems Styles has found a sure-fire way to beat the dreaded sophomore slump – by including a gratuitous nude shot in the album booklet.

Styles teased the image in a video earlier this month when he previewed some posters from the vinyl edition of the album.

It immediately caught the attention of fans, and Styles was happy to clear things up during an interview with SiriusXM’s Morning Mash Up.

He confirmed: “Yes it’s me, and I am naked, yes.”

Asked why the image has only been included with the vinyl record, he said: “That’s a good question.

“I think if you were to fold a picture up into a CD booklet… no one wants a naked [photo] that small.”

We’ll cut to the chase at this point – here he is, in all his blurry, nude glory.

Maker of bisexual anthems Harry Styles doesn’t adore clothes, it seems.

Styles – who doesn’t publicly label his sexuality – stripped off earlier this year for his comeback music video, ‘Lights Up’. 

The sexually-charged clip finds the singer topless and glistening with sweat, writhing with a crowd of similarly nude men and women.

Released on National Coming Out Day (October 11), it features lyrics about “step[ping]into the light” of a new identity and “never going back”.

The track was promptly labelled a “bisexual anthem” by fans, much like his previous queer banger ‘Medicine’.

A less successful attempt at singing about bisexuality came earlier this week from Styles’ old One Direction bandmate, Liam Payne.

Payne released his debut album LP1 on Friday, November 6 to broadly terrible reviews, with the track ‘Both Ways’ coming under particular criticism.

With lyrics including “My girl, she like it both ways. She like the way it all taste / Couple more, we’ll call it foreplay / No, no, I don’t discriminate,” Payne has been accused of furthering harmful stereotypes about bisexual women only being valid under the male gaze. 

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