Donald Trump really wants you to know he dreams about Pete Buttigieg

Donald Trump and Pete Buttigieg

Donald Trump played down his possible impeachment at a campaign rally in Hershey, Pennsylvania, where he admitted to dreaming about Democratic hopeful Pete Buttigieg.

The embattled president tried to distract from the articles of impeachment that have been drafted against him by going on the offensive.

Trump admitted he “dreams” about competing against Buttigieg, whom he calls “Alfred E Neuman”, after the wide-grinned Mad Magazine mascot.

“I dream about him, it’s true,” he told supporters on Tuesday, December 10, to laughs.

“You have Alfred E Neuman who’s running and it’s like, this guy?”

Donald Trump says he ‘destroyed’ Elizabeth Warren.

He also claimed to have “destroyed” Elizabeth Warren, who he continues to refer to as “Pocahontas”, even though Native American leaders have called the term racist.

“We destroyed her too fast, so she came back, but she’s going back down again,” he said.

Trump started referring to Warren by the nickname after it emerged that she identified as Native American during her law career, which she attempted to bolster by releasing results of a DNA test. She later apologised on both fronts.

During the rally, Trump was interrupted by a protestor in a #MeToo hat, holding a poster that read: “Grabbing power back.”

As she was ejected, he shouted: “Get her out.”

US president facing likely impeachment.

The Democrat-controlled US House Judiciary Committee unveiled two articles of impeachment against Trump on the same day as his rally.

It marks the fourth time a president has faced impeachment, and if Democrats are successful, Trump will become the third president to be impeached.

Trump stands accused of abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, with the charges relating to a whistleblower complaint about a phone call by Trump to the president of Ukraine.

The first article alleges that Trump “used the powers of the presidency in a manner that compromised the national security of the United States and undermined the integrity of the United States democratic process. He thus ignored and injured the interests of the nation”.

The second states that “in the history of the Republic, no president has ever ordered the complete defiance of an impeachment inquiry or sought to obstruct and impede so comprehensively the ability of the House of Representatives to investigate [his behaviour]”.

Trump has denied any illegality, but with the Democrats in control of the House, he could be impeached before Christmas.

However it is thought unlikely that he would be removed from office as that power lies with the Senate, which is controlled by Republicans.

If the House votes for impeachment, a trial is expected for January.

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