Tory candidate published vile homophobic Harry Potter rip-off that compared homosexuality with paedophilia

A clipping of a cartoon published by a now Conservative parliamentary candidate has sparked fury online. (Orbit Magazine)

A Conservative Party candidate has been caught in a crossfire of criticism after it was revealed that he was responsible for the publication of a homophobic Harry Potter cartoon.

The 2007 cartoon suggested character Professor Dumbledore was a paedophile because he was gay.

Mario Creatura, who is vying for the marginal seat in the Croydon Central consistency, was helming the student publication at the time when the image was printed.

He worked as publications editor of the student union at Royal Holloway University when the union magazine, The Orbital, published the image.

However The Orbital exclusively sent PinkNews cuttings of the original article as well as another piece that detailed anti-gay musings from former writers.

However, the prospective lawmaker took to Twitter to denounce the article. Creatura stated he had “nothing to do with the totally inappropriate design or disgraceful opinions”.

‘Harry Poofter and gay Prof Dumbledore’ cartoon outrages LGBT+ community. 

The cartoon at the centre of the controversy was the header image for an opinion piece reacting to Harry Potter author J. K. Rowling’s revelation that Dumbledore was gay.

Headlined ‘Harry Poofter and gay Prof Dumbledore’, a small inset caption added: “Professor Paedo.

“Do Hermione, Harry and Ron have more to fear than just Voldemort?”

While the article itself seen by PinkNews wondered: “Was Dumbledore’s relationship with Harry as innocent as it seemed?

“Does [Dumbledore] apparate to G.A.Y on a Friday night?”

Michael Gambon as Dumbledore.

The writer agued that the bulk of Potter fans have welcomed Rowling’s retcon and noted that, while some fans renounced their liking of him altogether as a result of him being gay, it should ultimately not matter at all.

Although, another article printed in the magazine – a review of a play – noted that there were many “comic moments in this terribly camp production.

“The pink-shirted soldiers looked like they were more into fudge than toffee.”

According to the Independent, the cartoon’s publication ignited fury from the LGBT+ student society which tabled a motion to censure Creatura and another officer.

The backlash bubbled, forcing the magazine’s deputy editor who allegedly wrote the caption to resign.

‘Age is not an excuse here’.

Former Orbital editor Michele Theil implored for Creatura to be held accountable for the publication of the pictures.

“As a former Orbital editor, I think it is absolutely despicable for anyone to have allowed this to be published,” he told PinkNews.

“Age is not an excuse here.

“The piece and headline included slurs and inaccurate information about the LGBT+ community and is not a practice of good journalism – student or otherwise.

“I think we should hold Mr Creatura accountable for his role in publishing this, not least because he is a prospective parliamentary candidate for a party that has already been largely unwelcoming to people in our community.”

‘I had nothing to do with the totally inappropriate design or disgraceful opinions’, stresses Tory candidate after Harry Potter saga reignites. 

In an exchange with a user on the social media website, Creatura clarified that his involvement in the published cartoon was limited amid accusations of homophobia online.

Moreover, when a user pressed him for an apology, he added: “I apologised at the time and happy to do so again.

“The caption and the design was and is disgusting. I was investigated and cleared of wrongdoing.”

And when the user questions whether Creatura saw the final proof for the piece, he stated that he never saw the version which was later circulated:

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