Drag Race UK winner The Vivienne defends herself against ‘transphobia’ accusations

Baga Chipz wafting a card over The Vivienne's crotch as Jimmy Carr looks on

Drag Race UK winner The Vivienne went on an impassioned Twitter rant, claiming she’d been accused of being “transphobic” for using the term “fishy.”

The Vivienne spoke out after she appeared on Channel 4’s Big Fat Quiz of the Year with her Drag Race UK co-star Baga Chipz.

The pair presented a “drag slang” round during the show, asking celebrity contestants to explain the meanings of “gag”, “spilling the tea” and “fishy.”

Neither queen gave a definition for the last term, but nodded when one contestant said it was used to describe a queen who looked like “a real woman.”

After the show aired a number of people, including drag prinx Chiyo, criticised the use of the word.

“This term is rooted in the brutal misogyny that has always existed in the gay community, and is heavily transphobic,” Chiyo tweeted.

“It directly links womanhood to vaginas, and vaginas to a nasty stinky smell.”

They later added: “Trans women are REAL women. And not all people with vaginas are women.”

The Vivienne hit back early Saturday morning (December 28), tweeting: “Oh here we go. Now I’m Transphobic. Of course.”

She added: “I’ve done more for my Trans sisters and friends than you’ll EVER KNOW! Don’t you dare!”

The Vivienne later apologised “for any offence caused,” explaining that she was “given a cue card to read moments before going on camera.”

“It was never mine or Baga’s INTENT to cause offence or harm. But that does not make me transphobic. Just silly for not knowing what was happening.”

Drag Race UK queens weigh in on The Vivienne’s “fishy” controversy.

As the debate continued, a number of Drag Race UK queens gave their opinion on the use of “fishy” within the larger drag community.

Crystal appeared to defend her co-star, writing: “It’s hard to get it right all the time, and we’re all learning as we go. TV in particular can be hard to navigate. Mistakes will happen.”

She added: “I hate the word fishy. It’s gross and mean, and we don’t need it… Words like that contribute to the misogyny problem in our scene, and make women (and more) feel unwelcome in LGBT+ spaces.”

Divina De Campo, who was runner-up to The Vivienne, said that “the wonderful thing about language is it is ever evolving. The not so great thing is that much of our culture has been built on oppression.”

They argued that the oppression of women and minorities has “fed itself into our language and culture.”

“We can either rage against that pretending the days of yore were some golden age of joy and humour or we can recognise that actually we can move forwards and make the world better for each other.”

PinkNews has contacted The Vivienne’s representatives and Channel 4 for further comment.

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