Britain’s ‘most prolific rapist’ quoted Little Mix while bragging about heinous crimes in chilling messages

Reynhard Sinaga

A rapist found guilty of 159 sex offences bragged about his offences in chilling WhatsApp messages.

Reynhard Sinaga was jailed for life on Monday for his crimes – including 136 rapes and several attempted rapes and sexual assaults – perpetrated against men he lured from outside Manchester nightclubs.

Sinaga, who prosecutors have dubbed “the most prolific rapist in British legal history”, sent messages to friends referencing his use of GHB to prey on predominantly-heterosexual men.

Rapist bragged about ‘secret poison’.

In WhatsApp exchanges with friends in 2015, he shared a photo of an unconscious straight man after a friend joked that he “can get in lots of straight boys”.

The rapist told his friends that he relied on “Black Magic”, quoting a Little Mix song, adding: “Take a sip of my secret poison, I’ll make you fall in love… One drop should should be enough.

In other messages, he wrote: “SuperRey saves straight boys from their monstrous girlfriend.”

Rapist Reynhard Sinaga, believed to be Britain's most prolific rapist

Reynhard Sinaga, believed to be Britain’s most prolific rapist

According to the Manchester Evening News, prosecutor Iain Simkin said of the messages: “He is admitting there what he is doing. He’s boasting about it.

“It is breathtaking that not only is he committing these offences and filming these offences, he’s boasting about these offences.”

Prosecutors say that Sinaga approached “intoxicated young men” in central Manchester and lured them back to his “strategically located” flat.

He spiked victims with sedatives to render them unconscious – then filmed himself raping them, in many cases repeatedly for hours on end.

The vast majority of victims did not know what had happened to them – and Sinaga’s crimes were only uncovered after one man woke up mid-rape and fought Sinaga off, sparking a police investigation.

Sinaga claimed his victims were enjoying acting out his ‘sexual fantasy’ of playing dead during intercourse – but his defence was rejected by juries across four trials at Manchester Crown Court.

Reynhard Sinaga ‘may never walk our streets again’.

Ian Rushton of the CPS said: “Sinaga’s unthreatening demeanour duped these young men – many of whom thanked him for his kindness in offering them a place to stay – into thinking this monster was a Good Samaritan.

“But once back at his flat he used victims as objects purely for his own gratification – then appears to have derived further twisted pleasure from re-watching his films in court and putting victims through the trauma of giving evidence.

“I would like to pay tribute and express my gratitude to all of these men for their incredible resilience, bravery and strength in helping us bring these harrowing cases to court.

“They have suffered severe and life-changing psychological trauma but should feel very proud that thanks to them this highly dangerous predator may never walk our streets again.”

His crimes mirror those of Stephen Port, a serial killer jailed in 2017 after using GHB to perpetrate assaults in Barking, London.

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