Gay couple savagely beaten and hospitalised by gang of thugs in Spanish queer hotspot

LGBT+ caravan on Pride Day in Seville, Spain. (Photo by David Carbajo/Getty Images)

A gay couple from France were savagely attacked and hospitalised while on holiday in Spain, at a popular LGBTQ+ hotspot. 

The incident occurred on Sunday, January 5, in Torremolinos, a town near Malaga, on the coast of Spain. 

They were attacked by four youths, who beat them up violently while shouting homophobic slurs and insults. One said:, “You f****ts get out, we are going to throw you all out of here.”

The incident left both men with multiple blows to their bodies. The couple are middle-aged and are originally from the southern French city of Perpignan.

One of the victims is a doctor and has said that he is unsure he will be able to continue practicing due to the injuries he has received during this assault. The attack occurred in the area of Cuesta del Tajo, just a stone’s throw from the beach in Torremolinos. 

The Andalusian Observatory against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia has denounced the attack. They called it a “terrible homophobic aggression”.

Director of the Andalusian Observatory, Natalia Ronco, said: “People are insulted, harassed and attacked for the simple fact of being, existing and loving.”

She is appalled and has called for more security on the streets to protect LGBT+ people from harassment and discrimination. 

The police have been notified of the attack and have recommended the victims return to the border to file an official report. They are expected to leave within the week.

Torremolinos is considered to be the most LGBT+ friendly place along the Costa del Sol in Spain. It is known for having a large variety of gay bars and clubs, which attracts many LGBT+ tourists every year.

However, there has been a steady rise in violent incidents against LGBT+ people and venues in the last few years across Spain, particularly towards tourists and foreigners.

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