Pro-Brexit, anti-abortion and ‘homophobic’ politician thinks two women kissing is pornography

Glenn Williams

A Coventry councillor has publicly said he thinks two women kissing is “pornography”, and that teaching LGBT+ issues in schools is the same as teaching children “how to be promiscuous”.

Glenn Williams is an anti-LGBT+, anti-trans, pro-Trump, pro-Brexit, anti-abortion, “xenophobic“, religious independent councillor for Blabake, Coventry, who thinks Ann Widdecombe is “fantastic” and wants the anti-LGBT+ Chick-fil-A to open in Coventry.

At a council meeting this week, he spoke out against LGBT-inclusive relationships and sex education (RSE) in schools, which will become mandatory in September 2020. 

He said: “There are a lot of very concerned parents who are worried about what is going to be taught to very young children.

“Last week a friend of mine, she’s very broad-minded, more broad-minded than I am which isn’t difficult, I accept.

“She had telephoned me because her 13-year-old son had come home from school and he was horrified because his teacher had given them tips… I’m sorry, I’m not very comfortable talking about this. But she had given them tips on how to… come out.

“[She] had shown a video of two women kissing. This sort of video, which I regard as pornography, should not be shown in Coventry schools.

“What we should have is a policy that promotes traditional family values. Not how to be promiscuous, but how to respect traditional family values.”

According to CoventryLive, cabinet member for education Kevin Maton went up against Glenn Williams during the meeting and said: “It is about giving help and advice to young people so they do not live their life in ignorance.”

Others across the chamber united to criticise Williams, with councillor Gary Ridley saying: “There’s nothing to be ashamed about your sexuality and absolutely no reason children should not be taught that at all.”

Councillor Becky Gittins asked: “Can my fellow members support me in ensuring that the message that comes from this meeting is unlike councillor Williams we do not equate homosexuality with sexual promiscuity?”

Martin Pink, the chair of the Coventry Pride board of trustees, hit back at Williams’ “homophobic” views in a statement: “We are saddened and shocked to see comments such as councillor Williams’ being made in today’s society… We’re particularly sad for councillor Williams’ LGBT+ constituents, who will be shocked to discover that he considers them promiscuous and that pictures of them kissing are pornographic.

“Councillor Williams needs to understand that not only are his views outdated and wrong, but they encourage bigotry and hatred.”

Pink added: “I invite councillor Williams to come to Pride with me in June and see that in this city there’s no space for hate.”

Warwickshire Pride also wrote on Twitter: “Councillor Williams is welcome to participate in our LGBT+ awareness training.

“He will learn that two women kissing is not pornography, that being gay does not equate to being promiscuous (but so what if some people are), and how damaging his views/words are. Shameful behaviour.”

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