Woman boos loudly at gender reveal party with a twist because she isn’t happy with the outcome

Gender reveal party

Buckle up, dear reader, because our first gender reveal party story of 2020 is one truly plump with plot twists; a tale of deceit and anger.

The last few years have seen the canny celebration of announcing what genitals a foetus has in front of friends and family really take off.

Sometimes literally, as the world witnessed plane crashes, two explosions, Jell-O-filled hippos, runaway balloons, blue lasagne, a thousand acre-sized wildfire and ‘gendered’ fog spewing from a car doing doughnuts in a cul-de-sac ending in four arrests.

The act has, overtime, reached Super Bowl Halftime show-level theatrics.

Kicking-off the decade is a since-removed reddit post, in which a woman asked the ‘Am I The A-Hole’ subreddit whether she’s a bad person for “booing” at her friend’s gender reveal party.

But it’s not quite for the reasons you’re expecting.

‘Am I The A**hole for loudly booing at a friend’s gender reveal party?’

The 30-year-old woman began her post, according to a screenshot on Twitter, with detailing how she drove 45 minutes outside of the city to reach a workmate’s party.

“In the first place,” she wrote, “I find this to be an obnoxious new fad, but I try to be a good sport for the sake of my work relationship.”

Being the great workmate she is, she got dressed up, bought a gift and even grabbed a bottle of wine for the hosts; “I am trying.”

We know, u/traditional-flower, we know.

As the main event began, she described how the parents-to-be stood in front of a box that will reveal which assigned gender their child will be.

“They pull a string, the box falls apart, confetti, streamers, etcetera, and there reads a message: ‘Unassigned!’

“There are audible groans, a few woke claps.

“They launch into a polemic about gender and their decision not to assign their child a gender.

“I begin, loudly, playfully booing. No one joins in.

“A few people pull me aside later in the night to lecture, others to thank me.

“Now, I don’t begrudge them raising their child however they want, and I don’t have anything against trans people.

“But I thought bringing us so far out of our way, under the already lame pretence of a gender reveal, and then using it as an opportunity to posture and preach was lame, insincere and a**hole-ish in the extreme.”

End scene.

The reddit user divided Twitter, prompting a laundry bag of reactions. 

Some users praised the parents for opting to raise their child gender-neutral, while others agreed that anyone who has a gender reveal party is an “a**hole”.





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