Teens caught on camera screaming ‘f**k the f****ts’ outside gay couple’s home

Teens caught on camera screaming vile homophobia at gay couple's home

A gay couple have spoken out after a group of teens were caught on camera screaming vile homophobia outside their home.

Colin Tomblin, who lives with his partner in Madison, Alabama, shared the clip of the incident caught on his security camera on January 10, at 11pm.

In the clip, a car goes past as a man can be heard screaming: “F**k the faggots! F**k faggots! You guys are f**king fags, f**k you!”

Couple hit out at homophobia, ‘hate speech and harassment’.

Tomblin said the teens, who he did not personally know prior to the incident, are from the James Clemens High School baseball team.

He said in a Facebook post: “A car full of JCHS baseball players thought it would be a good idea to speed by while screaming “f**k the gays” and “f**k the faggots” at our house.

“We don’t know these kids and have never had a single interaction with them or done anything to warrant this hate speech and harassment.”

Tomblin added: “This is 2020 and behaviour like this should not be tolerated. If your kids do this to random strangers, imagine what they’re doing to their classmates and others. This bullying type behaviour is exactly why kids are [dying by] suicide.

“I can’t imagine that Madison City Schools, James Clemens High School, or the JC baseball team would condone this type of behaviour.”

Madison City Schools Superintendent Robby Parker issued an apology to the couple over the homophobia.

School condemns ‘intolerant’ behaviour from teens.

A school spokesperson told AL.com: “The incident happened over the weekend, not on school property nor during a school-sanctioned activity. Having said that, Madison City Schools does not condone intolerance of any sort by its students or employees.

“Character traits such as respect and acceptance are taught in the early grades and reinforced through the upper grades.

“Behaviour contrary to what is expected by Madison City Schools is regrettable and not a reflection of who we are as a school system.

“I hope bringing awareness to this issue brings positive change to this type of behaviour in the schools.”

Madison City Schools apologised to the couple over the comment from the teens, believed to have been on the baseball team

Madison City Schools apologised to the couple over the comment from the teens, believed to have been on the baseball team

Tomblin welcomed the response, writing: “Since making this post, we have heard from the school system. They made it clear that they do not condone this type of behaviour and will be taking action.

“I would like to thank everyone for their support. I hope bringing awareness to this issue brings positive change to this type of behaviour in the schools.”

He continued: “I would like to discourage any negative actions or words towards the individuals in the video.”

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