Ruby Rose’s Batwoman just came out as lesbian in the most iconic way

Batwoman on the cover of Catco magazine with the headline 'Batwoman reveals herself as a lesbian'

Ruby Rose’s Batwoman broke new ground in its mid-season premiere, which saw the masked hero announce her sexuality to the world.

Batwoman returned to screens with a coming out episode for the masked hero, who grappled with her identity when Gotham took a sudden interest in her romantic life.

So far in the series, Kate Kane (Ruby Rose) has been portrayed as an out and proud lesbian – but only when out of her superhero suit.

This changed in ‘How Queer Everything Is Today!’, as Batwoman came out on the cover of a Gotham magazine.

Show runner Caroline Dries, who is herself a lesbian, said the coming out had been planned from the very beginning.

“Eventually Kate [realised] that she is comfortable and out of the closet as Kate and then she puts on the suit and hides a huge part of who she is, when she can actually be doing good if she were truthful about who Batwoman is underneath the suit,” she told The Hollywood Reporter.

“I have always said that Kate and now Batwoman is the person that, obviously, I wish I had growing up and she is still the person I aspire to be. She is way more comfortable than I am.”

Batwoman decided to come out after being linked with a handsome police officer, and having her identity threatened by a hacker.

The hacker is revealed to be a high schooler who’s ex-girlfriend outed her to her parents, prompting them to disown her. When Batwoman tracks her down, she realises the good that could come of her being open about her sexuality.

“With Parker, the girl who pushes Kate to have Batwoman come out, I used my wife’s coming out story,” Dries explained.

“A girl she was dating in high school got mad at her and called her mom and outed her. I felt like that was very relatable.

“It’s the idea of somebody who is not ready to come out yet, being weaponised against them.”

Dries revealed that the show’s star, Ruby Rose, cried when she first read the script.

“I know it meant a lot to her,” she said.

Originally in the script, there was a line where Batwoman and the hacker agreed that “it doesn’t get better,” which Dries said was cut after Rose took issue with it.

“Ruby wrote to me and said, ‘You know, a lot of people look up to this character and watch this show and they don’t want to hear the lead character say, ‘You’re right, it doesn’t get better.,” Dries explained.

“So, we found a way to tweak it, so it could be like, it’s still hard out there, but you will get better if you start to love yourself more and embrace yourself.

“It was personal to both of us, so we wanted to make sure we got it right.”

After the episode aired, delighted fans took to Twitter to celebrate.

Many were ecstatic that Kara Danvers (Supergirl) was the one to break the story – especially those who’ve been shipping the characters from the beginning.

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