The LGB Alliance bizarrely suggests fighting transphobia is forcing bisexual people ‘back in the closet’

Nicole Jones wearing an LGB Alliance t-shirt

The LGB Alliance continue to misrepresent the vast majority of lesbian, gay and bisexual people, this time by claiming that an intolerance of transphobia equals biphobia.

The trans-exclusive group spoke out after a bisexual woman was kicked out of an LGBT+ bar for wearing an LGB Alliance t-shirt.

The woman, who wishes to remain anonymous, said she was approached by security staff at the Polo Lounge in Glasgow after a number of trans people complained of feeling threatened by the message on her t-shirt.

She was given he opportunity to turn the t-shirt inside out and was asked to leave when she refused.

“Clearly, lesbians, gays and bisexuals are no longer welcome in ‘LGBT+’ spaces,” she tweeted.

The LGB Alliance retweeted her video, adding: “Bisexual people, please read this and join our efforts at the #LGBAlliance. We are not going back into the closet!”

It added: “We’ll ask Polo Lounge whether it is its policy to exclude supporters of the LGB Alliance. We can’t imagine it is because it would be in breach of the Equality Act 2010.”

LGBT+ Twitter users were quick to point out the many flaws in the LGB Alliance’s claims.

As if any further convincing was necessary, “king of the transphobes” Graham Linehan threw his weight behind the woman, calling the decision to eject her “insane.”

The furore is the latest in a long line of embarrassments for the LGB Alliance.

Last week the group released its first-ever pop song, “Stand Up”, to unanimously negative reviews and general bafflement.

Just before Christmas, it unveiled a new logo and branding, which many pointed out bore a strong resemblance to the straight pride flag.

An earlier version of this story incorrectly identified the woman in the video. This has been updated.

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