‘Vile’ politician who thinks two women kissing is ‘pornography’ issues grovelling public apology

Glenn Williams two women kissing pornography

A “homophobic” politician has issued a grovelling public apology after saying in a council meeting that two women kissing was “pornography”.

Glenn Williams, a pro-Trump, pro-Brexit, anti-abortion, “xenophobic”, religious independent Coventry councillor, spoke out against LGBT-inclusive relationships and sex education (RSE) in schools in the meeting on January 15.

He said a friend’s 13-year-old son had come home from school “horrified” after his teacher had discussed coming out in class.

Williams continued: “[She] had shown a video of two women kissing. This sort of video, which I regard as pornography, should not be shown in Coventry schools.

“What we should have is a policy that promotes traditional family values. Not how to be promiscuous, but how to respect traditional family values.”

His comments caused a huge backlash from the LGBT+ community and allies in Coventry and beyond, and Coventry Pride called for his resignation, describing his words as “vile”.

But on Wednesday, January 22, Williams attended a meeting with Coventry Pride, deputy leader of the Coventry Conservatives councillor Allan Andrews, cabinet member for education Labour councillor Kevin Maton and Andrew Moffat, founder of the LGBT-inclusive education programme No Outsiders.

The meeting was intended to provide Williams with a much-needed education on LGBT+ issues, and afterwards he offered a public apology.

In a video put out by Coventry Pride, he said: “Tonight I’m really grateful to councillor Maton and to councillor Andrews and I’m really grateful to have met with members of Coventry Pride.

“They have really helped me a lot, more than people might realise.

“I just need to tell you, to members of the LGBT community and others, I owe you such a big apology and that is meant very sincerely, very sincerely indeed.

“The unfortunate use of words – not intended to cause offence and I had no idea about how far that would go – and actually I’m really grateful to Coventry Pride for what they have done tonight and what I hope we can do in the future.”

Nyasha Pitt, vice-chair and trustee for Coventry Pride, said they organisation would continue to work to “further his education”.

Trying to prove that he is truly reformed, Glenn Williams may also start frequenting gay bars.

When the original video of his comments was released, local gay radio presenter John Dalziel asked when the councillor would be coming to Coventry LGBT+ venue The Yard.

The Yard responded offering Williams a free drink, “as long as you leave your bigoted views outside”.

Since his public apology, Williams responded to a comment asking when his date with Dalziel was going to happen, writing: “I am happy to meet at The Yard and talk to any of the clientele if they will have me.

“I hope the offer of a free gin & tonic is still available.”

He added that he will have his secretary check his diary and that he would get back to Dalziel with a date privately.

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