Straight man eats his own semen after masturbating as part of a ‘magical’ ritual

Straight man eats his semen after masturbating as part of a 'magical' ritual

A woman whose boyfriend eats his own semen after masturbating has taken to reddit to try to understand his behaviour.

“I’m at a loss,” she said. “Is this normal dude behaviour and I’m just uninformed? He tells me I’m being very prudish.”

The woman, 25, made a throwaway reddit account to ask the internet about the behaviour of her boyfriend, 27.

“My boyfriend recently informed me that when he masturbates, he ejaculates into his hands and eats his c*m,” she said.

“He has done this every time he’s jerked off since he was in college. I couldn’t really help my initial reaction, which was to be grossed out, and I blurted something like ‘what the f**k’.”

Users on Twitter seemed to agree with her initial reaction.

The woman said her boyfriend’s reaction was to be offended, and to accuse her of “body and sexually shaming him”.

“I’ve since been trying to be more understanding. When it comes up he insists that every dude does this and it’s a really common thing.”

This continued to gross out people online.

But then, things started to get interesting: Her boyfriend explained why he did it.

“It was to ‘charge magical sigils’ as part of a ritual (called the ritual of the Phoenix) related to the Qabbalah.

“Like he would write a sigil representing an object of desire, masturbate thinking about it, and eat his c*m after ejaculating as an act of debasement.

“Apparently it worked every time.”

Also, many, many posters pointed out that a lot of people swallow c*m.

Finally, the last – and best – word on the semen-eating boyfriend was had by a sexpert.

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