Anonymous stranger so touched by lesbian mums adopting a 17-year-old that they’ve offered to pay her college tuition

Lesbian mums adopt 17-year-old girl because 'family doesn't end at 18'

A teenager whose life-long dream of having a home came true when she was adopted by lesbian mums has, in an amazing plot twist, had an anonymous stranger offer to pay her college tuition fees.

Ashley Lacasse had spent her life without a permanent home, attending 19 different schools as she moved between parents, family members and foster care.

After becoming friends with a girl at her most recent school, Alexis, she became friends with Alexis’ family – and, when her living situation deteriorated, the family took her in.

“Alexis told us that Ashley needed to come and live with us,” Amanda Jetté Knox, a bestselling author and LGBT+ advocate, said.

“She said she needed a family, she needed a home. Our eldest son Aerik was 21 at the time, he was planning to move out on his own, so we were going to have a room.

“Ashley had become part of our family by being Alexis’ friend. So we started the process, and when Aerik moved out, four days later Ashley moved in.”

Then, on January 20, the family – which is headed up by two lesbian mums – officially adopted her.

In a heartwarming statement, the family said: “IT’S A GIRL! Today we OFFICIALLY became a family of six. Ashley is adopted! Sure, she’s 17 1/2, but family doesn’t end at 18. We will love her forever. Welcome to the family, lovely human. Your new moms are over the moon.”

And the story keeps getting better – after the BBC reported on Ashley being adopted, an anonymous stranger got in touch to offer to pay her college tuition fees.

Her mum Amanda explained what happened on Twitter.

“Yesterday, the BBC published a piece about my wife & I adopting our teen daughter. Today I got an email from someone who offered to help pay her college tuition because they’ve been where she is, and today they can. So they did. They really did. Holy cow, people are amazing,” Knox wrote.

“I’m keeping this vague because the person (understandably) wishes to remain anonymous. But they had no idea who we were until they read the article, found a way to contact me and we’ve since spoken on the phone and I’m still processing their incredible kindness and generosity.

Ashley is on cloud nine. She just can’t believe it. We haven’t had much time to save for her tuition, so this help is seriously life-changing. It makes everything easier. This person changed everything, and I know we’re all hoping to meet in person someday.”


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