Harvey Weinstein accuser claims he is intersex as he has no testicles, Weinstein says it’s a ‘perfect’ description

Harvey Weinstein accuser suggests he is intersex as he has no testicles

One of Harvey Weinstein’s accusers has told a jury that his genitals appear to be “intersex”, a description Weinstein himself admitted was “perfect”.

Testifying in court on Friday, former actress Jessica Mann, 34, alleged that Weinstein raped her in a New York hotel room in March 2013. She said he also raped her eight months later in a Los Angeles hotel room after injecting his penis with erection-inducing drug.

In an explosive testimony she claimed that Weinstein does not have testicles and his penis is “like a vagina”, adding that she thought he was “deformed or intersex“.

“The first time I saw him naked I thought he was deformed or intersex. I didn’t know if he was a burn victim but it would make sense,” she said. “He does not have testicles and it appears like he has a vagina. He does have a penis.”

As Weinstein shuffled out of the courtroom while flanked by a team of lawyers, a reporter asked: “Mr Weinstein, is Jessica Mann’s description of your body accurate?”

Shaking his head, Weinstein replied: “Yeah, perfect.”

In the gruelling cross-examination, Mann wept on the witness stand as she described numerous abusive encounters with Weinstein when she was 27 and he was 61.

She had moved from rural Washington to Los Angeles to pursue an acting career, but struggled to gain a foothold. At one point she was homeless and living in her car.

When Weinstein expressed interest in her at a party she initially thought it was a “blessing”, but he soon began to push things further, and eventually he needed a “fix like a drug addict” from her, she said.

Jessica Mann arrives at the Manhattan Criminal Court on January 31, 2020 in New York City. (JOHANNES EISELE/AFP/Getty)

Mann claims that on one occasion, Harvey Weinstein made her massage his blackhead-covered back with lotion. Asked to describe the scenario, she said: “He had a lot, a lot of blackheads. The texture of that was uncomfortable.”

She had known him for around a year when the last serious incident happened at the Peninsula Hotel in Los Angeles. She intended to end things with Weinstein as she had begun dating an actor, something Weinstein had expressly forbidden.

“I was scared to tell Harvey,” she said. “He would tell me rules such as you can date anyone but you cannot date anyone in the (entertainment) industry. [He] would find that disrespectful and unprofessional.”

Mann said that the second Weinstein realised she was seeing an actor, he ‘flipped me up from my chair’.

She said: “He was screaming, ‘You owe me one more time,’ as he was dragging me into the bedroom. I didn’t fall but I was having a lot of trouble keeping my balance because he was pulling me so fast.”

She sobbed heavily as she went on to describe the alleged rape in detail. Weinstein claims that all their sexual encounters were consensual. The trial continues.


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