Franklin Graham says J-Lo and Shakira’s Super Bowl show was ‘sexual exploitation’ of women (but Trump is totally fine)

Franklin Graham

Unsurprisingly, the homophobic hate preacher Franklin Graham has some very important thoughts on the “moral decency” of J-Lo and Shakira’s Super Bowl halftime show.

On Saturday the two pop goddesses delivered an incredible pole dancing, hip shaking, gay-pleasing halftime show that was high in Latina energy and glittery costumes.

They were widely praised for a jaw-dropping performance that sparked both memes and a crucial history lesson in Arabic and Latinx expression – but of course, you can’t please everyone.

Yesterday Trump’s favourite preacher posted on Facebook to condemn NFL and its sponsor, Pepsi, for broadcasting a show that promotes the “sexual exploitation” of women.

“I don’t expect the world to act like the church, but our country has had a sense of moral decency on prime time television in order to protect children,” he wrote.

“We see that disappearing before our eyes. It was demonstrated tonight in the Pepsi Super Bowl halftime show — with millions of children watching.

“This exhibition was Pepsi showing young girls that sexual exploitation of women is OK. With the exploitation of women on the rise worldwide, instead of lowering the standard, we as a society should be raising it. I’m disappointed in Pepsi and the NFL.”

But Graham’s definitely not disappointed in Donald ‘Grab them by the Pussy’ Trump, at whose inauguration he proudly preached, reassuring the audience that the torrential downpour was not a terrible omen of the horrors yet to come but a sign of “God’s blessing”. Sure, Jan.

Nor, it seems, is he disappointed in the lack of “moral decency” of a president widely known to have cheated on his numerous wives numerous times, and who refuses to say whether or not he paid for his previous partners to get abortions – another thing Franklin Graham objects to.

And while we’re on the subject, the exploitation of the women who would be forced to bear children against their will in his crusade against abortion doesn’t seem to be a major concern of his, either.

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