Confused boomer says he’s ‘too old’ for a world with non-binary people in it

confused Boomer

A “confused” and “bamboozled” boomer has written a strongly-worded column claiming to be “too old” for a world with non-binary people in it.

Republican, local radio host and 53-year-old Lee Elci wrote the column for local Connecticut newspaper The Day, and began with a description of exactly how he feels to be of boomer age.

He wrote: “My 54th birthday approaches with the shocking quickness of a starving kitten racing to get a discarded gas-station baloney sandwich.

“My aging brain keeps bamboozling me into believing I’m still 25, a guy brimming with eternal optimism, sporting a cascading mane of long hair and an unbreakable spirit.”

With the scene set, he got on to the main point of his column: non-binary people, and why he is “too old” to accept their existence.

Lee said that he had made a trip to the DMV to renew his driver’s license on the same day that the state of Connecticut introduced a third gender option for driver’s licenses. 

He admitted: “To be completely honest with you, I really wasn’t sure what non-binary meant until I looked it up.”

But, after presumably after having a millennial Google it for him, Lee was still “confused” and pondered if he should ask for a refund from his high school or college.

The bamboozled boomer said: “I sat in the most advanced high school biology classes available, while in college I took part in dissecting a human cadaver as part of advanced anatomy and physiology. I never saw or learned of a non-binary.”

“Without sounding unsympathetic, non-binary presents itself as more a feeling or a desire and less about actual medical facts,” Lee decided for himself, despite his previous admissions that he didn’t really know what it meant to be non-binary, had never learned about it and had never met a non-binary person.

While there is still a lot of research to be done on the biological factors that affect a person’s sexuality and gender, research in 2018 did find evidence that the brain structure and function of trans people was different to their cisgender counterparts. 

Lee soldiered on, adding: “This is not a straight, gay, bisexual or any lifestyle issue.

“People should be allowed to live their lives how they are and any way they wish, without being judged, persecuted, stigmatized or bullied.

“But a non-binary choice on a driver’s license is not about sexuality, it’s about a leap into the abyss of political correctness.

“Anatomy, pure and simple, dictates gender.”

According to his bio by the local radio station he works at, Lee had a brief foray in soap opera acting, but “seven years ago he jumped head first into the wild world of talk radio”.

The station apparently “provides stimulating talk with a conservative bent”.

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