Pro-Trump Christian radio host claims president Pete Buttigieg would be a terrible ‘role model’ for children

Rush Limbaugh claims Pete Buttigieg kissing his husband is a problem

A pro-Trump Christian radio host has claimed that Pete Buttigieg should not become president because he would be a terrible “role model” for kids.

Bryan Fischer of American Family Radio hit out at the gay Democrat after early data from the Iowa caucuses gave him a surprise lead – ahead of Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden.

Pete Buttigieg would be a ‘terrible role model’ for children, claims American Family Radio host.

Addressing the surge in support for the gay Democrat during his show on Wednesday, Fischer said: “Pete Buttigieg is an unrepentant, unapologetic homosexual. He engages routinely and regularly in what the founding fathers called a crime against nature.

“It looks like the Democrats could make this guy their nominee. Even our evangelical leaders are afraid of touching the topic… But it’s a very simple question.

“Do we, as the American people, want somebody who engages in that kind of sexual conduct to serve as a role model for the rest of the country and to serve as a role model for America’s children? I vote no!”

It’s fair to say that Buttigieg, a Harvard-educated, multi-lingual war veteran in a faithful, monogamous relationship, might not be a great role model for children – given he has never exhibited the presidential behaviours of bragging about sexually assaulting women, having affairs with porn stars, mocking people with disabilites, or lying about having bone spurs to get out of military service.

Bryan Fischer: It would be better to have a drug addict president than a gay president.

Fischer has also insisted that homosexuality “is a greater and more manifest threat to human health even than injection drug abuse” and that having a gay president is more dangerous than having a president “repeatedly, unapologetically, and proudly injecting himself with heroin, cocaine, or meth.”

American Family Radio host Bryan Fischer took aim at Pete Buttigieg

American Family Radio host Bryan Fischer

Meanwhile, a writer for far-right website Shoebat took attacks on Buttigieg even further.

Columnist Andrew Bieszad reflected: “Right now, it appears that the sodomite Buttigieg is being promoted, but he is highly effeminate and it is very likely he will be crushed by Trump in 2020 should he be nominated.

“However… the combination [of] a woman and a sodomite would be a political option that if balanced and presented well to the US, could result in a major Democrat victory in 2024 assuming a Trump 2020 victory.”

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