Far-right gun activist Kaitlin Bennett calls teen ‘obviously gay’ in shocking viral clip

Kaitlin Bennett (L), a conservative pundit popular known as 'the Kent State gun girl', called a student 'obviously gay' in Ohio, US. (Screen capture via Twitter)

Far-right gun activist Kaitlin Bennett has been embroiled in controversy after appearing to call a college student “obviously gay” in a viral video.

Josh, 19, posted the exchange on his Twitter Monday showing the pair trading sharpened barbs at one another at a University of Akron, Ohio, US, campus.

Bennet, regularly armed with a microphone and video camera, has swung by the campus a handful of times in the past, often rousing crowds of supporters and opposition alike and rattling students in the process.

What happened?

According to mobile phone footage from both Josh and Bennett, the pair steadily amplified their attacks against one another, with Josh calling the 24-year-old out.


“You should act like a man and not a little b***h,” Bennett blasted as she walked towards Josh, “that’s what you should act like.”

“And you should act like a decent human being,” Josh jostled back.

Bennett then asked what is on Josh’s hoodie, which had a print of Spanish singer Rosalía on it.

“Do you know who that is?”, Josh enquired, as Bennett launched into an anti-gay monologue about: “This is men in 2020, this is what society is gonna be.”

“That’s because you’re white and you don’t know any other language besides English,” Josh replied.

Bennett then appears to mutter “you’re obviously gay” as Josh pelts her with: “Educate yourself, get a degree, learn another language.”

Kaitlin Bennett claims she can’t be anti-gay because a gay man wanted a picture with her. 

In further footage from Josh, he asks her to “say it again”, to which she blithely utters: “You’re gay.”

Bennett, who had filmed the exchange as well, dropped her own footage today, captioned: “This soy boy that followed me around a campus for four hours is trying to say I was bothering him for being gay.

“Meanwhile a gay guy was trying to take a photo with me and telling him to cut it out. Disinformation is great isn’t it?”


In Bennett’s footage, a man, who appears to be an Akron student, says he’s gay and “it’s OK” as he tried to get a photograph with Bennett.

“I don’t care,” Josh responds, provoking a man drenched in Trump merchandise to say: “You’re not being rude because you’re gay, you’re just being rude to be rude.”

He then claimed Josh is harassing Bennett, to which he enforced that she’s not a student of the college.

Off-camera, Josh wrestled with the other men, who are donned in pro-Trump jumpers, knitted-hats and scarves, while Bennet and the other gay man try to get a picture.

Josh later responded to Bennett’s tweet: “What we’re not gonna do it spread your false narrative.”

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