Gay emergency! First Wives Club icons Goldie Hawn, Bette Midler and Diane Keaton are reuniting for a new film

Diane Keaton, Goldie Hawn and Bette Midler wearing white suits in The First Wives Club

The First Wives Club cast is reuniting, with Bette Midler, Goldie Hawn and Diane Keaton set to star in a new comedy about three women who are all divorced from the same man.

Family Jewels will serve as a spiritual sequel to The First Wives Club, the camp classic which followed three divorceés as they sought revenge on exes who had left them for younger women.

This time around, Midler, Hawn and Keaton will play three women forced to spend the holidays together along with their children and grandchildren, after the man they were all once married to drops dead in a New York department store.

Bradley Fischer, who will produce the film with Brian Oliver and Alan Nevins, told Deadline that he was “thrilled to reunite” the actors “for their generations of fans”.

“The chemistry of Diane, Bette and Goldie is unmatched and irresistible,” he said.

Nevins spoke for all of us when he added: “I, and the public, have waited many years for these three ladies to star in another film together.”

Online, excitement about the reunion – which comes 24 years after The First Wives Club‘s release – was palpable.

Previous First Wives Club reunion failed to launch.

Fans of the camp classic will be crossing their fingers that Family Jewels sees the light of day, unlike the previously announced First Wives Club reunion film, Divanation.

Midler, Hawn and Keaton were announced for the Netflix film in 2015, and were slated to play members of a girl group as they reunited 30 years after a dramatic split.

Two years after the announcement, Hawn confirmed that the project “didn’t work out”, telling Andy Cohen’s Watch What Happens Live: “The script was flawed and no one was able to really fix it, and everybody decided to let it go.”

The star said that she didn’t want to make a film with Midler and Keaton “if you can’t make it better than the original”.

Fingers crossed that Family Jewels is just that – and that Bette Midler reigns in her problematic tendencies ahead of its release.

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