Homophobic thug kicked paramedic in the neck while an ambulance was taking him to hospital

Dean Stevens: Homophobic thug attacked paramedic while in ambulance

A homophobic man has been convicted after he viciously attacked a paramedic in an ambulance, kicking her in the neck and calling her a “dirty dyke”.

Dean Stevens, 28, had been drinking heavily when he collapsed in Shoreham, West Sussex. An ambulance was called for him and he was taken to A&E at the Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton.

When paramedic Rose Waller attempted to treat him in the back of the ambulance he told her: “I’m going to kill you.”

The Argus reported prosector Suzanne Soros’ words to the court: “The defendant was in and out of sleep and continued to abuse Ms Waller in the back of the ambulance.

“He called her a c**t and a dirty dyke. He brought his face close to hers to make her feel intimidated and caused damage to the glass inside the ambulance when he kicked out.

“She was trying to hide away from him, he kicked her to the right side of the neck and shoulders. At hospital, she ran out of the ambulance into reception, such was her concern about the defendant.”

Stevens was then taken into police custody, where he was found in possession of cocaine. He attacked PC James Savill and hurled more homophobic abuse, which was so bad that Savill said it made him consider his future as an officer.

“I have never been subjected to such a blatant attempt to injure me. He tried to kick me in the face, he wanted to leave his mark on me,” he said.

“This is his go-to method of assault. I have never had my head turned towards leaving the job due to the actions of another until now. I don’t know how he thinks what he did to me or to my paramedic colleague is acceptable.”

Dean Stevens has seven previous convictions for 21 offences, including an assault on a police officer in 2013. His defence attorney said his client has shown genuine remorse and has stopped drinking since the latest incident.

As she sentenced him, district judge Amanda Kelly highlighted the homophobic nature of the attack.

She said: “These were members of the emergency services doing a difficult job to keep you and the public safe. They were abused and assaulted in a vile homophobic fashion.

“You should be ashamed about the way you behaved. It was appalling.”

Stevens was given a 20-week suspended prison sentence and ordered to pay £250 in compensation to Waller and Savill. He was also ordered to complete 150 hours of unpaid community work, and to do 20 rehabilitation sessions.

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