Thousands more sign letter to The Guardian protesting ‘pattern of abusive articles about trans people’

Thousands write to The Guardian protesting 'abusive' anti-trans articles

More than two thousand people have signed a letter to The Guardian protesting the British newspaper’s “pattern of abusive articles about trans people”.

In just three days, 2,236 people signed the letter – which was sent to The Guardian today.

This comes just a day after another letter, signed by more than 200 feminists, was sent to the newspaper rejecting the anti-trans claim that transgender rights are a threat to women.

One version of this claim was made in a March 2 column by Guardian writer Suzanne Moore: “Women must have the right to organise. We will not be silenced.”

Moore’s column has been heavily criticised this week for promoting transphobic views.

A handful of The Guardian staffers were among the letter’s signatories.

“Moore’s column does not represent the views of the public, nor is it representative of the views of most women,” the letter said.

The second letter that was sent to The Guardian today says: “We the undersigned write to protest the on-going and extensive series of articles you have published claiming that women are being ‘silenced’ and that men are being invited into women-only spaces.

“In the past year, you have run many articles seeking to position trans women as a threat to cis women, and arguing that cis women object to – and should object to – trans women in women-only space.

“We believe that trans women are women who experience the same gender-based discrimination, harassment, and abuse as cis women (and more) and are our sisters.

“We believe that making women-only spaces inclusive and welcoming to trans women is fundamental to feminism.

“We believe that bodily autonomy and the right to frame one’s own sexual and gender identity is fundamental to feminism.

“We believe that policing sex and gender is alien to feminism.

“We believe that we are only as strong as the support we give to the most vulnerable of us.”

PinkNews has contacted The Guardian for comment on this story.




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