Cruel students mock basketball player with homophobic Grindr taunts during final game of the season

Monmouth University Grindr basketball

Monmouth University in the United States has launched an investigation after students held up a sign saying “stick to Grindr” along with images from his dating profiles during a basketball game.

The incident took place during a basketball match between Monmouth University in New Jersey and Siena College.

When players returned to the court for the second half, several men from Monmouth University held up printed images from one of the opposing team’s Tinder profile, USA Today reports.

Another man held up a bigger sign that read: “Stick to Grindr.”It is unclear if the player that was being targeted is gay or bisexual.

Monmouth University has faced fierce backlash on social media over the ‘Grindr’ incident during a basketball game.

The incident has led to intense backlash on social media where people have demanded the university take action against the homophobic stunt.

Monmouth University president Patrick Leahy shared a statement on Twitter on March 8 promising that they would get to the bottom of the incident.

Please be assured that we are working swiftly to gather additional details and to directly address the behaviour with those involved.

“Earlier today I was made aware of highly offensive actions by several members of our student body directed at players on the opposing team during last night’s men’s basketball game,” he wrote.

“Please be assured that we are working swiftly to gather additional details and to directly address the behaviour with those involved.”

He continued: “We value every member of our campus community. Strong and inclusive communities are built on a bond of trust. When that bond is broken, we take it very seriously. Discrimination of any kind will not be tolerated on this campus.”

He promised to ensure that the university is a safe environment for all and said he would update students on the progress of the investigation.

The university was widely slammed for the students’ actions.

A number of Twitter users urged the university president to expel the students involved in the stunt.

Various people also tweeted directly at the university to voice their fierce opposition to the cruel stunt.



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