Christian hate group demands Marvel turns gay superheroes straight in upcoming epic The Eternals

Haaz Sleiman and Brian Tyree Henry of The Eternals

Conservative Christian hate group One Million Moms is crying out in disgust over a gay superhero couple in the upcoming Marvel film The Eternals.

Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige confirmed that there would be an openly gay superhero in the movie at the D23 Expo in California in August, 2019.

In December it was revealed that Brian Tyree Henry would play the gay superhero as the character Phastos, after a trailer seen by a small group of fans showed him holding hands with his husband, accompanied by their two children.

Haaz Sleiman will reportedly play Phastos’ husband, although this has not been confirmed by Marvel. He told NewNowNext last month in a since deleted video that the pair share a “beautiful, very moving kiss” in the film.

But One Million Moms, a right-wing website which believes being gay is a “lifestyle choice” which is neither “normal or desirable”, was not appreciative of the wholesome LGBT+ superhero family.

The group was created by the American Family Association, which has been listed as a homophobic and transphobic hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Centre since 2010.

One Million Moms started a petition to have the gay superheroes turned straight, which 17,000 people have apparently signed.

The group wrote: “WARNING! An upcoming Marvel Studios movie will include a homosexual superhero and a same-sex kiss in the film The Eternals, set to hit theaters on November 6… There have been numerous attempts by the entertainment industry to indoctrinate families with the LGBT+ agenda discretely and now more overtly.”

It said that it wanted “parents to be forewarned so they are not caught off guard”, because a loving, queer family would “surprise most conservative families since it would be unexpected”.

“Marvel has decided to be politically correct instead of providing family friendly programming. Marvel should stick to entertaining, not pushing an agenda,” it continued.

“As moms, we all want to know when Marvel is attempting to desensitise our family by normalising the LGBT+ lifestyle.”

Those who sign the petition must vow: “Unless Marvel removes the gay superhero and same-sex kiss, my family will not watch this film. I will urge all my friends to do the same. Marvel has left conservatives no other choice but to avoid The Eternals.”

Luckily the most recent film from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Spider-Man: Far from Home, grossed $1.132 billion worldwide, so it is unlikely that The Eternals will feel the pinch.

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