Porn studio behind such greats as Missionary Boys and Family D**k ceases production due to coronavirus

Gay porn coronavirus

Many organisations and businesses have been forced to close for the foreseeable future due to the coronavirus pandemic, and the gay porn industry is no exception.

Gay porn studio Charged Media – which produces the Say Uncle network of films including Family D**k, Brother Crush, Latin Leche, Young Perps, Missionary Boys, Black Gods, and Yes Father – has announced that they are suspending production due to COVID-19.

In a statement seen by The Advocate, the CEO of Charged Media said: “Our hearts go out to everyone who is affected by COVID-19.”

Gay porn studio Charged Media said the health and safety of their staff is their ‘first priority’ during the coronavirus pandemic.

“While we wish we could continue making incredible porn for our fans, the health and safety of our employees, as well as the nation, is our first priority.”

But it’s not all bad news. The production company revealed that Say Uncle subscribers will not be left without any new content – they will be releasing a library of unreleased footage “so customers can still enjoy all the newness they’ve come to love”.

While we wish we could continue making incredible porn for our fans, the health and safety of our employees, as well as the nation, is our first priority.

Other high-profile gay porn studios, including, Sean Cody and Lucas Entertainment, have not yet commented on whether they are ceasing production due to the ongoing pandemic.

COVID-19 has impacted on much of the world, with wide-scale closures taking effect in an effort to minimise the spread.

The gay porn shutdown is not the only measure likely to impact the LGBT+ community – at least 75 Pride celebrations have been cancelled due to the pandemic, with more likely to come.

The coronavirus crisis has now impacted on much of the world, with countries across Europe – as well as the United States – urging people to keep their distance in an effort to reduce the number contracting the virus.

People in affected countries are being asked to self-isolate if they have come into contact with someone who has been diagnosed with COVID-19, and everyone is being asked to engage in social distancing.

And, of course, people are being urged to wash their hands as regularly as possible and for 20-second periods in an effort to stem the spread of the virus.




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